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World / Europe / Russia / Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2010

Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2010


We had been preparing for the shooting in St. Petersburg about a year. As early as summer of 2009 I was told that the helicopter excursion tours over the city in St. Petersburg were realized. I easily found the telephone numbers in the Internet and called there one day later.

For a long time we had been testing the equipment, preparing documents, adjusting permits, making contacts with the helicopter operators and, finally, one of our fellows — Dmitry Moiseenko — left for St. Petersburg for a test shooting. Unfortunately, it was raining and he just flew from The Peter and Paul Fortress to Pulkovo Airport. To realize the second test shooting, another photographer — Sergey Semenov — set off. In the beginning it just was dull but later the rain began again. But that time Sergey reached to make several panoramas over a take-off strip.

St. Petersburg

After that situation I understood that going that way we hardly would finish the shooting soon and decided to phone to a photographer whom I knew and who lived in St. Petersburg in order to find out what was the weather like there. "We are not lucky with sunny days", — I briskly said to the photographer by phone. "Shall we arrive in St. Petersburg and stay at a hotel and just wait when a sunny day comes?"

He answered gloomily: "I'm not sure this is the right way. In this case you may stay at the hotel a couple of months."

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

I was puzzled. We were not going to stay at the hotel for the couple of months. Then, we decided to conquer St. Petersburg by ruse.

We agreed with the helicopter operators as well as with a couple of our friends and the people whom we knew and who lived in St. Petersburg on as soon as the weather became better there, they would phone us in Moscow and we would take fast all we needed and would immediately leave. Nearly a week later in the morning the first phone call was received. "There is the sun outside our window and, if you hurry up and arrive before lunch time, you can shoot because the rain is forecasted in the afternoon."

But it was impossible because we needed a half of day just to get to St. Petersburg and another half of day to arrange the flight and shooting. We needed the whole day, the whole sunny day. And this is too much for ST. Petersburg! We had been packed and ready to go but we had to wait. The friends made a couple of calls but every time could offer only a half of day and that wasn't satisfied us.

One day, a month later, we were phoned by everyone all together: by friends, people whom we knew and even helicopter operators. "Today is still dripping from the sky but tomorrow... tomorrow you will be happy! Harry up!"

Vasilyevsky Island

And we got off with a jerk. We had nearly missed our plane. Having come rushing into the check-in area of Vnukovo Airport 35 minutes before the take-off, we knew that there was no way to get tickets for the last plane to St. Petersburg. However, it took us five minutes of negotiations directly with the representative of the UTair Company (we are very grateful to him for that) to get boarding passes with no sits. But our troubles hadn't finished then. We had got two two-meter bars and a bag with different metal things weighted about twenty kilos. And it was important for us to take all those goods in a hand luggage. Widely opened eyes of the security men who were checking the hand luggage didn't show us anything good. And only the personal charm of Sergey Semenov let us not only to pass through the metal detector but also to convince the stewardesses to hide our equipment in their service cabinet on board.

As a result, in the evening we happily and safely arrived in St. Petersburg, slept a night and took a helicopter in the morning. The weather was amazing and it seemed to us that it would always be the same.

We successfully shot and landed near the Peter and Paul Fortress. Our colleagues-photographers were coming there too. They were going to shoot from a huge dirigible named Megaphone. They began to unpack the equipment and prepare the dirigible for the flight. They had been waiting for a good weather more than a month too and that moment they were preparing for the shooting and hoped to compensate the time lost. There were the operators from the First Russian TV-Channel and some other people from television.

By the afternoon we had decided to fly once again because very beautiful small clouds appeared in the sky and the helicopter stood right near us. We flew up again, shot about half an hour and came back to the Peter and Paul Fortress. And there was something unusual in the sky! From the side of the Gulf of Finland a huge cloud was coming closer and closer. It had already covered a half of the city when the second part was shown by the bright sun. The city was divided into two parts like with a front line. The wind rose.

Palace Square

We were landing when the people with the dirigible were finishing their preparations for the flight, but we definitely knew that they wouldn't be able to fly up that day.

That evening we left St. Petersburg accompanying with the sounds of thunder. The big rain drops were pattering on the train's windows but we were not upset anymore — our work had been done. A year of preparation, a month and a half of waiting for a good weather and an hour and a half of the flight over one of the most beautiful cities in Russia — all those were in past. That was the way how we realized our virtual tour shooting over St. Petersburg.

And now allow us to share few interesting facts about St. Petersburg:

St. Petersburg is a city built on orders. Once having chosen the most convenient place where from it would be easy to threaten the Swedes, Peter I ordered and the construction started. In the history there aren't so many cities which were built in short terms at sovereign's command, but those are even less which could save their architectural aspect through ages.

St. Petersburg was lucky: its buildings had been created before 1917, has almost completely been saved and now they are about 18 thousand. Due to that fact the center of the city represents a harmonic architectural ensemble as well as it has another very special detail which is a scope and plenty of water (10% from the total area!) that make St. Petersburg unlike other cities of the world.

Saint Petersburg, Russia

Another zest isn't so good - it is a legendary constant bad weather. The reason is still the same - water with its numerous local rivers both natural and artificial as well as bogs and lakes.  The main arctic front also plays its role giving rise to the cyclones: a warm air mass of the middle latitude collides with a cold air mass of the high latitudes. These cyclones often affect St. Petersburg bringing floods, strong winds and gloomy clouds when it rains cats and dogs.

Our team of photographers was waiting for a sunny day in St. Petersburg so long that we could write a story about this. But, it seems to me, that it's better to say a few words about this beautiful city.

All panoramas were shot over the Neva's area of water. There are the most outstanding monuments of St. Petersburg. One of the first city's buildings is the Peter and Paul Fortress. Its foundations were laid on May 16 (27), 1703. More probably, the Swedes were so frightened by the fact of the construction that the fortress didn't serve as a defensive bastion. The Peter and Paul Fortress has never been used with its direct purpose but many years it was a sign building for "whenever an opportunity presents itself" and after the revolution it functioned as a jail for political prisoners.

In 1925 Leningrad Council resolved to destroy the fortress and to build a stadium instead. Fortunately, this resolution was cancelled. Now on the territory of the fortress there are a lot of museums, cafes, concert grounds including the Mint.

Church of the Savior on Blood

Besides, the highest Russian cathedral is that of Peter and Paul. The height of its belfry with a golden spire ended with the figure of a flying angel is 122.5 meters. Also there is a burial vault of the Romanov's royal dynasty. And daily at midday a signal gun shoots there. Its sound is so loud that it's better to be away from the fortress's walls at that moment. It is perfectly heard all around the center of the city.

The Trinity Bridge (to the left from the Peter and Paul Fortress) is the most beautiful bridges of St. Petersburg. There is a legend that in the middle of the 20's the soviet test pilot Valery Chkalov realized his famous flight by Hydro-plane Sh-2 exactly under this bridge. He was inspired to do that by his French colleague who could fly under the Eifel Tower for the considerable sum of money. But in Soviet Russia the only prize for Chkalov wbecame a guardroom and hooligan's fame.

The Spit of Vasilievsky Island has been a cultural and business center of the city still from the age of Peter I. In the 1720's the foundation of the Kunstcamera (it was the first Russian museum) was laid there. Then the port, bourse, customs and warehouses were moved there. The palaces and educational institutions were also built there. In 1810 the Spit was decorated by two Rostral Columns. One of them served as a lighthouse for the vessels on the Malaya Neva, another one showed the way to the Bolshaya Neva. It was necessary to move the river by 100 meters for them. Now they are monuments of Russian Navy Glory and used only during the festivals: these days their lights are on.

Telling about the lights, the first Russian experience of a street electric lightning was held particularly in St. Petersburg: in 1879 the Liteyny Bridge was lightened.

Church of the Savior on Blood

In the Winter Palace palace, where the tsars killed time of St. Petersburg endless winters, now there is the biggest world museum, the Hermitage, situated. In its collection there are about 3 million museum pieces. It would take someone 8 years to revise the museum pieces if to look at one museum piece at least one minute. Besides, to look through all the museum pieces it would need to walk the distance of 20 kilometers.

Palace Square is decorated with the Alexander Column. It is a unique monument of 47.5 meters height and its weight is about 700 tons. It is the highest monument in the world made of the whole granite. The column isn't fixed with anything and stands on the pedestal only under its weight. It is said that inhabitants of the city were afraid of walking nearby because they were frightened that the column would fall. The monument's author, Auguste de Montferrand, had to walk near the column daily to ensure its safety.

To the right from the Hermitage, along the riverfront, there is a splendid complex of buildings of the Russian Admiralty. The height of its spire is 72 meters. A ship-weathercock on the spire's pick weights 65 kilograms and it's covered with 2 kilograms of gold. Probably, these two kilograms of the precious metal so much worry the inhabitants of St. Petersburg that they make up another legend of the city. It seems to them that inside the gilt ball on the Admiralty's spire there is a hidden golden moneybox where the samples of all the golden coins issued from the day of St. Petersburg foundation are kept. Also, in the prow of the ship-weathercock the personal casket of Peter I can be found.

The casket in the ball really exists. However, there is no gold but the message about the works of spire and ship renovation for all the time that the building stands, as well as about the people who made such works. At the same time, the moneybox is still not found.

By the way, many people suggest for mistake that Saint Petersburg is named in the honor of its founder who was Peter I. But it isn't so: the city is named in the honor of the first Russian imperator's heaven protector - apostle Peter. But does it matter much? We invite you to admire the sights of the wonderful city from the bird's eye view.

Photos and text by Sergey Rumyantsev and Sergey Semenov

6 May 2011

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Add your review about "Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2010"

please i need to know the name of this song in the panorama and who sing

karim fares, Egypt

Karim, please read here how to find the name of the song: http://icute.app/FAQ.php#name-of-song

Varvara, AirPano

best of the best!
Thanks a lot.
Najbolje od najboljeg!
Лучшие из лучших!
Danilo Srbija

Danilo Soskic, Serbia and Montenegro

Absolutely wonderful
I can't wait to visit Saint Petersburg in Russia a lot of history and beautiful churches to see
Departing from Sydney and taking the Baltic Cruise to St Peterburg

Dr Arturo JERI, Australia

It was a wonderful experience! Fantastic. Thanks for this website. Music and the panoramic pics are in great harmony. Saint Petersburg is even more beautiful than Venice. A great city. I'll see it with my own eyes soon! Sbasiba!

Oguzcan Ustun, Turkey

How can i download a videos

Mamun Hossain, Bangladesh

Dear Mamun, you can't download panoramas and videos from our site. But you can download an application for Android (AirPano Virtual Travel) or for iOS (AirPano TravelBook)

Varvara, AirPano

Tengo la suerte de conocer esa preciosa ciudad, pero ahora viendo este fantastico trabajo,reconozco que me ha impresionado.FANTASTICO,GRANDIOSO,EXTRAORDINARIO,Etc.Etc.Etc.lo visto en este reportaje.

Antonio Lopez de Miguel, Spain

Adorei todas imagens Parabéns. Fui a St Pétersbourg o ano passado 2013 .Estou revendo todos esses lugares maravilhosos.

Beth Martins, Brazil

Great Job... so amazing... thanks

Joko Purbono, Indonesia

I were lived in Sant-Peterburg, really hospitality people and view of city nice and beautiful in Pushkin city with garden nice. Thank you of web site these

Hoang Nam, Vietnam

Images are excellent all the more as I've visited St P last year for the second time -

change the music to the present viewing as its terrible - not the right music for the excellent scenery.

A Lowe

anthony lowe, United Kingdom

Beautiful.....I would have never known this

Bill Massey, USA

Es una verdadera prciosidad,hace muchos años que fui, creo que volvere este año

Maria Bellot, Spain

Superbe Magnifique j'y vais au mois de Aout 2014 pour le rassemblement Harley Davidson j'adore cette vue panormique Bon travail superbe après cela Moscou :-) Merci !!La musique est vraiment très bien adaptée a ce schow

chantal rieke, Luxembourg

Excellent job. Very interesting to see St. Petersburg from a different perspective. Keep up the great work!

May Kwan, USA

It is the best video. Thank you.


Splendid ! Am stat in Leningrad in 1966,trei luni. Adevarata capitala de imperiu !! As dori sa-l mai revad. Vancu Romania

Vancu Alexandru, Romania

I was there in 2012 and thanks to your website I had another tour again. It was my BEST travel. I really recommend it to everybody.

rahele k, Iran

Thank you, Rahele! You can travel with our website everyday! 

Varvara, AirPano


chafar jean- antoine, France

Wonderful city was there 2011 in the summer with my husband and loved it and will be there in January 2014 with my daughter looking forward to see the difference, loved the photography good work.

peggy boll, Australia

Your panorama of St. Petersburg is absolutely beautiful, especially in the ultra high resolution mod. The music is wonderful and a perfect accompaniment to the photography. Thanks for another magical work.

William Brace, USA

I have been leaning to speak Russian with "Have Fun with Russian", and what I have learned so far is that the language is beautiful and the culture very rich...which brings me to the incredible beauty and drama of St. Petersburg as presented in your wonderful panorama. The images and music are literally sending shutters down my spine. Another magnificent piece of work. Thanks for making these images available.

Bill Brace, USA

Thanks a lot, Bill! Don't forget your Russian language lessons :)

Varvara, AirPano

Un oras cu adevarat fabulos.Abia astept sa-l revad.

aurel dumbrava, Romania

"its awesome i want to visit there once in my life time"

Mani Shanker, India

Ich finde es s e h r gut. Ich kenne St. Petersburg recht gut und war schon mehrmals dort. Auch in meinem Buch "Vom Schwarzen Meer zum Nordpol" habe ich darüber geschrieben.

Gotthold Dr Tippner, Germany

Maravilloso, espectacular!!!

Dolores Málaga Rodríguez, Spain

Mijn grote wens is, om nog eens St Petersburg,
te bezoeken, maar dit vindt ik helemaal geweldig.

Lisbeth Bulte, Netherlands

Best pictures of a city so beautiful
I am forwarding the email to a good friend in Volograd Russia

David Edwards, USA

really great to visit the world from my home.

HOWARD WRIGHT, United Kingdom

Absolutely great your work. We are thrilled.In a few month we will visit St.Petersburg and now we are able to prepare the tour in 3D. Thank you.

Winfried Hormes, Germany

I lost my heart at Saint Petersburg... I've visited the city many times in the nineties. I'l never forget my local guides and the beauty of Saint Isaacs cathedral as well as the fortress of Saint Peters and Paul, and shurely the hermitage. Thanks for showing this magnificent panos...

Lucien Mertens, Belgium

My favorite city. Glad to see in another point of view. Keep up the great work!

brian kong, Hong Kong

very good

yehia shafik, Egypt

impresiile mele despre acest oras sunt minunate.iata si de ce-in primul concediu de odihna,cu trenul de la Moscova,dupa nopti de calatorie alaturi de prieteni dragi si ceaiuri calde,am ajuns la Leningrad,in noiembrie 1986.gerul de minus 17 grade.Neva cu malurile inghrtate,talpa singurei perechi de cizme pe care o aveam crapata de frig,bucuria vizitarii Ermitajului,Matisse cu ia romaneasca,obrajii copiilor,frumusetea ci amabilitatea gadelor noastre,podurile,teatrele,pietele,dar si entuziasmul meu din acele zile de ....acumulari m-au facut de multe ori sa ma reintorc cu placere la St.Petersburg,din pacate,numai in gand.Salutari locuitorilor,salutari calatorilor prin aceste locuri,Veronica.

veronica milan, Romania


shah khalid, Pakistan


رعد البيا&#157, Iraq

A wonderful city, absolutely perfect pictures -
I hope for another visit to St. Petersburg soon!

Bea Zimmermann, Switzerland

"Excellent photo. Interesting journey in a few moments. Greetings from Gdansk."

(Per Google Translate...)

Jan Możejko, Poland

a mind relaxing website to see with slow and classic songs played at the back.made for people who can't really afford to go to see all wonders. REALLY GOOD SITE.

AmiJas singh, India

Wonder of wonders. beautiful great filming.


Annette Pintoe, USA

You are wonderful people, creators, artists. I couldn't take my eyes of it. Thank you for beautiful
gift of joy seeing yours panoramas.

Katarzyna Hulewicz Gathy, USA

Just one word: MARAVILLOSO

Teo Fdez, Spain

Excellente. para quienes no resulta un tanto dificil viajar por el mundo, nos significa una gran oportunidad, para poder tener una idea mas cercana de estos lugares, ciudades, y bellezas del mundo. yo los invito para que vengan a Costa Rica, se comuniquen conmigo y los invito para que hagan una panoramica de nuestro pais, que aunque pequeño, ofrece muchos parajes que otros tambien desearian visualizar. Congratulation.

olman roberto castro padilla, Costa Rica

Excellent & superb. No words to say.
1. wonderful
2. Marvellous.
3. Excellent.

meera srinivasan, India


marin stoianovici, Romania

Everything is Amazing, Beautiful!!
Thank You!!

Donnalee Davis, Pennsylvania, USA

Donnalee Davis, USA

The pictures and St. Petersburg are amazing! The only negative is the music you chose to be in the background. Richard Rogers? Why not one of Russia's immortal composers...Borodin, Moussourski, Tchaikovsky, the list goes on and on.
Otherwise, astonishing!!!

Deanna Gilbert, USA


DR.ANIL khare, India

best of the best!
Thanks a lot.

Krongkaew Schuermann

Krongkaew Schuermann, Switzerland


akbar ganji, Iran

loved it but would have liked some more places identifiedi.e. St Catherine's palace, the Hermitage Museum. etc I visited those places but would have liked to identify them by air....beautiful photogaraphy

Evelyn Hegg, USA


jo anne cole, Austria

J'aimerais la traduction en français des textes s'il vous plait. Merci

CHERY Monique, Guadeloupe

wonderfull.......lovely work.....thanks

Manoj Semwal, India


Anita Weaver, USA


Adelson Martins, Brazil

Wonderful!!! Beautiful and amazing imagery.

Gene Lalicker, USA

Love it! Was there 3 years ago and this panoramic view brings good memories.So beautiful!

Tove Schonekess, Canada

Really an incredibly amazing work! Just imagine how greatly helpful is your web page for all those intending to visit St.Peters burg for the first time, like me and my friends. This is something I always longed for! really Keep on that great work!!!" Thanks & Regards, Raj

Raj Mishra, India

My friend tells me that Buenos Aires is the most beautiful city , but after seeing St. Petersburg, I feel that it is the most romantic and poetic city in the world . thank you very much for the tour.

marta gluzinska, USA

really amazing .good job done by specialists.lots of effort seen behind this.liked the city very much.obviously a beautiful city everyone must visit atleast once in life

pawan singh, India



I have visited the city, The beauty of this magnificent city has been well brought out

Shirish Daftary, India

the total layout of st.petersburgh makes it one of the finest cities in the world although it has been ravished over the years by invading hoards it still retains its exquisite beauty i honestly feel very privileged to have been extremely lucky to have travelled around the beautiful palaces and very interesting museums

ROBERT LENNOX, United Kingdom


photojournalist seyed hamid Hashemi, Iran

My mind is bogled by the artistry of your work. We are going to St. Petersburg next year. I didn't realize the size of it. Thanks for waiting for the sun to shine.

Robert Woerheide, USA

I have enjoyed the visit. I want to see more on pano.amazing work done by pano.

javed Iqbal, Pakistan

Amazing the work you done on all of this search, I appreciate their efforts.

shailesh surti, India

The mast beauful city is St. Petersbourg.Is magnificent

Wanda gabrielli jasbinschek, Russian Federation

The best I have 'seen' and in fact also 'visited' has to do with brilliant Egyptian Constructians.
My wife and I have made three fine visits through Egypt and we LOVED the way in which these visits were organized. We might go again as soon as the political situation in Egypt is calmed down.
Thanks for your help !

Johannes Arends, Spain

i was there one month ago. i made pictures of most of the butifull buidings and sights, but from this view it looks fantastic. thanks for that.

Motti Shapira, Israel

nice work done....

rahul gupta, India

I would never be able to travel so far to see the beautiful city if St. Petersburg, but thanks to you I feel I have seen this wonderful city. Gorgeous churches and waterway.
Thank you so much. Marilyn

Marilyn Read, USA

I have been 6 or 7 times in Petersburg. I walked along the Nevsky Prospect hundred of time... That?s not enought. This city is a treasure to be described... This Panorama View could give a better perspective and close to the equestrian monument of Peter I, at the Senate Place. Good.

Ubiratan Mascarenhas, Brazil

Thanks for your comment! We appreciate it.

Varvara, AirPano

We want to visit Russia, we will pack our 'matildas' (travel packs) and be waltzing with you on some enchanting evenings in your beautiful cities. Thanks for previews...

Chrissy Muller, Australia

You are welcome! It's a pleasure for us to share them with you.

Varvara, AirPano

My Husband and I are going on a baltic cruise and will be visiting ST.Petersburg, I am so looking forward to it. Thank you for the stunning pictures.
Ursula Schmid

Ursula Schmid, Canada

What a marvelous city, Saint Petersburg. We had just visited on 8-9 May 2012 on a Norwegian Cruise. Toured cathedrals and city life and waterways at night....a great and memorable adventure. We would love to visit again.

Hugh Rider, USA

Very much like Portland Oregon. But seems you had a worse time!We can always say.(Wait 5-min's) and the rain will quit.!chuck ;from Beavercreek oregon.

chuck Svetlik, USA

Thankyou! I was in St Petersburg in 1999 - never thought I'd be able to visit that beautiful city again. You have changed all that for me.

Trish Smith, Australia

Have just returned from a vist to St Petersburg. This city is unique...rich in culture and vibrant. So many beautiful and exciting memories to savour. Will try to visit there again!
A cruise on the Neva is unforgettable as is Catherine's Palace and Peterhof.

Ivan Warwick, South Africa

Wow! Never seen so many and such beautiful panoramas. These will keep me busy for a week.
Will be in St. Petersburg in July to see for myself and celebrating 68 years of marriage with my wife!

Cecil Renfield, Australia

On my first visit to St Petersburg, way back in 1994, i took a USD20 helicopter ride. I keept shooting with my film camera with joy in my heart.
Only after landing did I realise that I had not rolled in my film correctly. My hear broke..this year we visited STPB with friends but they were not interested in a helicopter ride.
Thanks for mending my broken heart!Keep up the good work.

Raja Setlur, Singapore

This is amazing. My father was born in Tambov, Russia. Is there anyway I can see this??
Thanks for your work.

Alex Magnitzky

St Petersburg is one of the most beautiful city i have ever visited. The Hermitage museum is really out of this world, not forgetting the churches. truly an exhilerating experience.

Ignatius Pinto, India

My trip to St.Petersburg was magical and enjoyed every minute.Congrats on your wonderful photography.

Ann Stevens, Trinidad and Tobago

wonderful panorama of Sankt Petersburg. It reminded me the 5 years I spent in this very beautiful town, studying at the university 40 years ago

Ali BELKHIRI, Algeria

thank a lot i like to watch city and the new places in the worlds

navin xess, India

I just returned from St. Petersburg, and with your wonderful work, I am enjoying it again. Thank you very much! Such a beautiful city!

Julia Hernandez, Guatemala

I have visited that city from 21-06-1979 to 23-06 1979. I saw here WHITE NIGHT which was nearly about 3-4 hours and during that time vehicle were running without head lights. It is a dream city. I can't forget that visit. BEAUTIFUL PANAROMA OF A BEAUTIFUL CITY

Sardar Ahmed Rao, Pakistan

It's great to hear that from you. Good luck!

Varvara, AirPano

No other better word than BEAUTIFUL PANAROMA OF A BEAUTIFUL CITY making me to relish my past vist

Asoka R, India

I always dreamed of seeing St Peterburg, now i have, and in comfort! Thank you very much.

Inge Nagl, Australia


Tasneem Suliman, South Africa

bizim panaroma bir harika değerleme yapmak çok yanlış olur.Tek kelime ile ancak bukadar olur.Saygılar başarılar


Please indicate titol music of background of St-Petersburg Very well!

Carlo Rossi, Italy

Hi, Carlo! This is The Mantovani Orchestra - «Some Enchanted Evening».

Amazing piece of work.....see the wonders of the world and the creation of man just a click of your mouse. Thank you for such a wonderful work!

Mary Grace Dizon, Canada

Meraviglioso. Siete fenomenali !!!! Ricordatevi di filmare anche l'Italia. Io abito a Milano. Qui non ci sono molte attrattive a parte il Duomo e il Castello Sforzesco, ma l'Italia è piena di città e posti incantevoli. Ciao.

Gualtiero Consolo, Italy

As with your tours over Machu Picchu and Toronto, I enjoyed the one over St. Petersburg, which I still want to see. Reason:I was born in a small German town called Zerbst, which was also the birthplace of Sophie of the Herzogtum of Sachsen Anhalt. She later, through her marriage, became
What I like to see from you in the future would be an aerial of my previous home town BERLIN, Germany, despite my love for Toronto for the last 47 years. And THANK YOU for your wonderful work!

Barbara Geisler, Canada

Dear Barbara, we are grateful for your short story and welcome to St.Petersburg! It's a really beautiful city especially in summer when the weather is fine.

Varvara, AirPano

I've got a real pleasure viewing my native city

Valery Karpov, Russian Federation

it'svery niiiiiiice .
thanks for team work.

saeed sadeghi, Iran

Simplesmente maravilhoso.
Thanks of Lisbon
Fausto Barbosa

Manuel Barbosa, Portugal

I'm really impressed by this interesting website and wonderful view of the city!!

Arie Keijzer, Netherlands

Really an incredibly amazing work! Just imagine how greatly helpful is your web page for all those intending to visit St.Petersburg for the first time, like me and my friends. This is something I always longed for! Keep on that great work!!!

Peter Kosik, Slovakia

Many thanks for your kind comment and good wishes.

Varvara, AirPano


Cynthia Strang, New Zealand



very very good


Complimenti per il bel lavoro.
Mi farebbe piacere il nome della musica in background di St-Petersburg, è davvero meravigliosa!

Carlo Rossi, Italy

Szpasziba bolsoj! Szentpetervar Europa keleti gyongyszeme, szeressek és vigyazzanak ra nagyon!
Hol vannak mar azok az idok, amikor az Izsak szekesegyhaz orsége - karjukon a fenykepezo gepekbol kirangatott filmekkel - az enyembol is kihuztak a filmet? Es hol vannak mar azok a feher ejszakak, amikor a Neva partjan csokot kaptam a lanyoktol? Isten aldasa kiserje csodalatos tevekenyseguket! Szeretettel: Gady Kayser Lajos

Lajos Gady Kayser, Hungary

first of all, I will thank the team of this great work. I apreciate their cefforts, it is realy hard work.
thank you very much

mamoun rahhal, Syrian Arab Republic

Many thanks for your comment and attention.

Varvara, AirPano

I enjoyed every bit of photography and mail to my all friend all over GOOD LUCK

Ramniklal B.Karelia Kare;ia, USA

Peter que je connais pour y être aller de nombreuses fois est pour ma part la plus belle ville du monde !
Ils ont de la chance mes amis de Saint Pétersbourg .

Albert RONCERAY, France

Rewelacyjne foto.Ciekawa podróż w kilka chwil.Pozdrowienia z Gdańska.

Jan Możejko, Poland

Dear Jan, it gives us pleasure to hear from you. But, please, send us your messgaes in English. Good luck!

Varvara, AirPano

All the jobs you've done are wonderful (I envie you...)and I would like to see more of your country which I really like very much (culture, language, music,people, literature). How about the lake Baykal? Thank you!

Nina Mich, Greece

Thank's Nina! Baykal is not in the plan this year but we'll do it sometimes.


Çàìå÷àòåëüíûé ãîðîä! Ïðåêðàñíàÿ ñòðàíà! Ïðåêðàñíûå ëþäè!

Vladislava Nenova, Bulgaria

very interesting and so beautiful these panoramas :) please, what´s the name of music in St.Petersburg´s panorama ??? thanks

emma jaa, Slovakia

very interesting and so beautiful these panoramas :) please, what´s the name of music in St.Petersburg´s panorama ??? thanks

emma jaa, Slovakia

very interesting and so beautiful these panoramas :) please, what´s the name of music in St.Petersburg´s panorama ??? thanks

emma jaa, Slovakia

Dear Emma, thank you for the message! It's easy to know by moving you mouse cursor to the Sound button/icon on the screen.

Varvara, AirPano

muito bonito, parabens

Aguiar Heitor, Brazil

You have an artist's eye and a poet's soul to produce such a marvel in Photography. What about Iguazu Falls?
Thank you for the Panorama.

Parveen Sharma, USA

Suggestion : when your panorama are accompanied by one or more videos, could you add an icon close to the selected views (for ex for the Nazca lines in Peru). So that one can chose live aerial views when available.
Othewise your work is amazing. Congratulations.

Vaes Philippe, Belgium

it is fabulous!
Regards from Macedonia

Angel Samarakov, Macedonia

proslezilsa, hochu snova domoi.

vladi menele, France


kostas pikoulas, Greece

Very interesting site

homa soltanmohammadi, Iran

Beautiful work,.. absolutely astonishing how well it carries through the mood of the city,. the first one I've seen is Saint - Petersburg, My Mother is from there, it gorgeous, I will be always recommending this link to view to everyone!!! you and your team are true artists! Thank you!

Anna Hassan, United Kingdom

Yes, Anna, Saint Petersburg is a great city. Thanks a lot for your comment!


amazing work!

Richard Alexander, Austria

je ne sais pas que-ce que je dois dire!

rasoul zabihi


shery donoso, Canada

This is a native city of my parents and it's wonderful. I love it as well as this pano!

Denis Davidoff

This city is very beautiful and you could show it

Maggy Right

Thanks, Maggy!
We were lucky to catch such weather and tried our best to capture North Capital of Russia


It is more than magnificent, because sunlit St.Petersburg is the most beautiful city in the world! It is so colorful and bright here, oh, it's great!

Annushka Ivanova