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World / Europe / Spain / Madrid, Spain

Madrid, Spain


Being the capital of Spain and its largest city, Madrid is also a popular tourist destination. Variety of monuments from different epochs, rich history, and unique culture attract tourists from around the world. Madrid's official symbol is a bear eating fruits from a strawberry tree. The statue reflects the scale of the city growth, and also serves as a reminder of the times when wild bears roamed where Madrid's landmarks are located now.

Santa María la Real de La Almudena Cathedral

Madrid built on a plateau at an altitude of 650 meters. In 852 its steep location inspired the emir Muhammad I to build Alcazar, a Muslim fortress of great importance. Over the course of numerous wars, the citadel changed its owners several times. In 1083 Alfonso VI conquered Alcazar, and the city became a stronghold of the Christians in their struggle against the Moors.

Metropolis Building

Five centuries later the city of Madrid was proclaimed the capital of State and Empire. It caused a high level of migration: the population of Madrid has increased threefold (up to 60 thousand people) during few years, which promoted active growth of construction industry, especially in residential areas. Although the Kingdom of Spain lost most of its power during 17th century, the city of Madrid continued enjoying its "golden" age for many more years. Lope de Vega, Cervantes, Calderon, Diego Velázquez, and Francisco de Zurbaran lived and worked in Madrid. A lot of efforts were put to developing arts and science: El Prado Museum, Royal Botanic Gardens, and Royal Academies were established here; and Royal glass, tapestry, and porcelain factories gave a significant boost to the industry development. As a result, by the end of 18th century Madrid's population was 170 thousand people.

Above the Plaza Mayor

In 1808 Napoleon's army took Madrid; the Liberation war became Spanish Revolution. Next grand remodeling of Madrid happened at the end of 19th — beginning of 20th centuries, as if the city has decided to start its life from a clean slate: many old city walls and monasteries were demolished; wide boulevards took place of old city streets, and new Modern-style buildings appeared along the roads. There were electricity, telephone communication, city trams, and subway system in Madrid. And finally, Telefónica Company erected first sky-scrapper in the capital of Spain in 1929.

Cuatro Torres Business Area

Some of the historical monuments were damaged during Civil War. However starting 1950s the city of Madrid entered its period of growth again. Saving landmarks of its legendary past, Madrid went on building new exciting architectural masterpieces.

Cibeles Palace, or the Palace of Communication

Today's population of Spain's capital is over three and a half million people. The city of Madrid is located right in the middle of the country. Puerta del Sol, the central city square, features Zero Kilometer sign, which is the beginning of the radial network of all main Spanish roads.

Las Ventas bullring

Located 300 kilometers away from the sea, the city of Madrid doesn't have its own beaches. However, comparing to other European capitol cities, Madrid has a leading number of parks. The splendid beauty of Madrid's nature and cultural landmarks are available for you on our virtual panoramas. Enjoy!

The Gate of Europe towers

Photos by Stanislav Sedov and Dmitry Moiseenko

23 January 2014

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Add your review about "Madrid, Spain"

Es genial tanto en su cultural como artístico

Paloma Santamaria

The buildings and architecture are beautiful, there are many tourist spots for you to visit, i would recommend going there.

Sasha Galvan, Russian Federation

cool pictures

michael daw, South Africa

i love this website /////

berlyin chwaa, Austria


Tara Cerrezuela, USA

Wonderful photos. Thank you. Just a historical correction, Spain did not lose most of its power in the XVII century. It actually continued being the largest overseas Western European Empire until the end of the XVIII century. From a territorial point of view, the Hispanic Monarchy was at its apex around 1780, when its control actually expanded in America up to the border of California with the current state of Washington while it continued to retain the Philippines in the East. Only the British Empire in the mid XIX century could compare to what Spain had achieved since 1492 among the biggest European and world powers.

Luis Martinez, Spain

Como educadora, ahora tengo una herramienta super valiosa, Gracias! Mis estudiantes sobre todo los de Bachillerato Internacional, ahora aprenderán sobre España con unos visuales extraordinarios.

Sandy Altamirano, USA



Amazing! Thank you!!

Alvaro Moreno, Spain

very nice,i visited Madrid in 1989 and i hope return

dallaire Nicole, Canada

O ecipa formidabila feicitari pentru panorama realizata superrrr!

ghiorghe nistor, Italy

cool! i love all the pics!!!

Sakinah Ahmad, Malaysia

Las vistas son excelentes,enhorabuena por darnos la posibilidad de contemplar Madrid desde esa perspectiva, saludos Carlos.


amazing!I LOVE SPAIN!

Narges Bayat, Iran

THAKYOU verymuch verygood

iraj rezaei, Iran

I had never seen such fantastic panorama before. You are doing a great job, very eye pleasing and motivating one's desire to travel and see the beautiful world in which we live.

shanker modak, India


You are doing a super job, the images are absolutely beautiful, you almost feel like you are actually there! Many thanks.

R Freeman, United Kingdom

Beautiful and very nice panorama. Thank you !


Your photography is truly amazing and beautiful.

Frank Fuson, USA

Es genial, esta muy chulo se ve perfecto y es fácil de manejar. El problema es que solo me deja ver Madrid, no se si es porque soy de España o cuál es el problema

miriam aguilar, Spain



Impressive and gorgeous videos with a very nice song!! Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

SM Naufer, Sri Lanka

Elie Al Nahas, the title of the song is "No Volveré" from "Gipsy Kings"

Admirable trabajo, es increíble ver mi ciudad desde estas panorámicas, mi enhorabuena.

Adrián Pérez, Spain


Draga Vukovic, Serbia and Montenegro

please can i have the name of the song, it's wonderful

elie al nahas, France

Elie, you will find answer to your question here: http://icute.app/FAQ.php

Varvara, AirPano

muy bonitas

vicente cinos, Spain

Amazing Panorama, thank you! I really love the pictures at dusk.

Carlos Mainzer, Spain

Spectacular Madrid. Its so vivid, live and beautiful presentation. I could see everything so clearly and felt like I am in Madrid. Music is so nice!! Full marks and salute to you droog!
Please make same like in Vladivostok with "Million Million Alyh Rose" from Ala Pugacheva.

Naren Pradhan, India

It was absolutely breathtaking and very beautiful - I am looking forward to see all your panoramas

olga beck, USA

Una hermosas vistas de Madrid, hermosa ciudad.

Cariños Maite

Sandra Canobra, Chile

F A B U L O S O S !, Formidable seria ! que lograran filmar tambien interiores.

German Porras, USA

Well done ruskies!!! Only a little correction, in the text between 4th and 5th photographys there is a mistake. Spain didn`t fight in the WWII, damages that you speaks are from the Civil War (1936-1939). And at the next text between 5th an 6th photos you say Madrid has a population over a half billion!!! Its imposible!!! It has more than three millions, and the metropolitan area more than six millions. Thanks for your job, it?s amazing!

Jon Alono Oses, Spain

Dear Jon, we corrected the text. Thank you for your comment!

Varvara, AirPano

Lovely lovely you are wondeful

Basel Bibi, Jordan

Impresionante. Buen trabajo de AirPano! Âïå÷àòëÿåò. AirPano õîðîøàÿ ðàáîòà!

Alberto R, Spain

Todos ...insuperables!gracias x compartirlo!

Cesar Aguirre, Argentina

Beautiful and very interesting tour, thank you to your team for a great presentation

Karel Hofmann, Czech Republic

Very Nice..Thank very much..

homayoon memari, United Kingdom


shaukat pervaiz, Pakistan


Karthik Reddy, India


Mohamed mmieleish, Egypt

Another fantastic panorama, thank you!
However, Madrid is not the most elevated city in Europe - it is Andora la Vella, at over 1000m above sea level.

Asta Becket, USA

Thank you, Asta! We corrected the text.

Varvara, AirPano