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World / Africa / Egypt / Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

This story was written back in 2011. Unfortunately, we were no longer able to repeat drone flights over the Pyramids. The good news is that the Pyramids have not changed during this time :)

There are not so many monuments on Earth that are as famous and ancient as the Egyptian pyramids. “Everything in the world fears time, yet time fears the pyramids,” says the Arab proverb. Constructed in the Old Kingdom during the reign of the fourth, fifth and sixth dynasties, the pyramids have experienced the ups and downs of many civilizations and empires. And despite several centuries of research, these monuments have still preserved its secrets.

Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

The Pyramid of Cheops, also known as the Great Pyramid of Giza or the Pyramid of Khufu, is the largest: it reaches a height of 138.5 meters, the sides of the base extend for 230.4 meters. Inside, there are three large rooms and many passages, shafts and tunnels. Above one of the galleries, a chamber being 30 meters long and about 2 meters high has been recently found. Its purpose has not been established, in the same way as the purpose of the Cheops pyramid itself: although it was built for this emperor, he was not buried inside it.

First Flight

In 2570 BC, the son of Cheops, Pharaoh Khafre (or Chephren), erected a pyramid nearby that rises at 136.4 meters. From certain angles, it seems higher but this is only an optical illusion which is explained by the steeper slope of the walls, as well as the location at the highest point of the necropolis of Giza.

Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

Behind it, there is the 62-meter pyramid of his son Menkaure. Legends say that such a modest size of the structure is explained by the short years of the pharaoh's life; while Herodotus called him a fair and merciful ruler who, perhaps, did not want to exploit people’s force in vain. Either way, this is one of the numerous mysteries of the famous Egyptian pyramids.


Another outstanding monument on the Giza plateau is the Great Sphinx, the oldest surviving monumental sculpture on Earth. In ancient Egyptian art, the sphinx was an animal with the body of a lion and the head of a man. Pharaohs were often depicted as lions which symbolized the divinity of their rule. The Great Sphinx, created around 2500 BC, was given a portrait resemblance to the then reigning Pharaoh Khafren and the monument itself was erected not far from his pyramid facing the Nile and the rising sun. The statue is 73 meters long and 20 meters high. In the past, there was a small sanctuary between the forepaws. From the middle of the 22nd century BC, the necropolis of Giza began to fall into desolation, and the desert occupied the space. The Sphinx was buried up to the shoulders with sand and was completely dug up only by the middle of the 20th century so that now we can admire this stunning monument shown in the AirPano panoramas.

Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt

The Giza plateau is located not far from Cairo: in fact, it found itself on the southwestern outskirts. The city expands and approaches ancient monuments, creating a striking contrast between history and modernity.

Photo by Sergey Semenov,  Stas Sedov

23 June 2023

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Add your review about "Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt"

breathtaking, just breathtaking

susan delvecchio-miller, USA

this is amazing just amazing

UR MOM JR. BOYS, Australia

Corinthians, segunda divisao. Small team

Jebediah Springfield, Australia

Excelente !! Me encantó !! Muchas Gracias

Isabel Schega, Mexico

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I loved it!

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Allan Wagar, USA

I have been watching many videos, photographs, art gallery, virtual tours from air pano. all are wonderful and gives you a feeling as if you are physically present yourself in those places. wonderful experience. many thanks to airpano and all those involved in this masterly presentations

anil kumar bangalore s p, Kuwait

Thank you very much, Anil! We appreciate your kind words about our project.

Varvara, AirPano

Egypt is just a tremendous place to visit. Lovely people, calm weather and life better.

Waleed Barakat, Egypt

obviously you are all welcomed to visit Egypt, we really appreciate your hard work.
thanks for well describing our Egypt.

Aliaa sherif, Egypt



Wonderful, Amazing , Very nice

Feras Sallouha, Syrian Arab Republic

Absolut gro#223artig f#252r meine Studien #252ber das Giza-Plateau
I. Kanitz

Ingrid Kanitz, Germany

This is the best thing I have ever seen

Toottoot McRoot, Antarctica

Wonderful. I still have to wait a couple of years before I can take my dream trip to Egypt. Ive bookmarked your site so I can start exploring explore from home. Thank you!

Theresa Gilroy, Australia

Wow . We are happy when people come from all over the world to see our cities . Welcome all the tourists.
And very big thank to icute.app nice to know this site ^_^

Ahmed Misho, Egypt

Magn#237fico, extraordin#225rio!!!!!!!!!!

Edirce Messias, Brazil

i found this panorama extremely pointless and uncreative. i think you should reevaluate your life choices.

zech nicklesun, USA

Amazing and beautiful, thank you

Karel Hofmann, Czech Republic

O.K.Muy bien me gusta muchisimo.Gracias

Ricardo Javier Areta areta, Spain

that was SIMPLY AMAZING PLEASE make another panorama at Egypt again somewhere else!

Mohamed Osman, Canada

that was SIMPLY AMAZING PLEASE make another panorama at Egypt again somewhere else!

Mohamed Osman, Canada

Fabulous - and can you let me know what the music is please? Thanks

Jenny Abbott, United Kingdom



Very fantastic
They are really big

Amir sagheb, Iran

Supeeeeerb !!!!

Florescu Mihai, Romania

Such a nice

Hamidreza Minaei, Iran


Marcelo Caldeira, Brazil

Permettez que je vous exprime toute ma reconnaissance de m'avoir permis de re-visiter ces monuments qui m'ont fasciné et dont je suis follement amoureux. Merci de tout coeur

Mohamed HABIBI, Marocco

Amazing picture!!!

shahriar Mehadi, Bangladesh

come and visit Egypt all of u ur welcome here

ahmed abd el hafiz, Egypt

a thing of beauty is a joy for ever

anthony mallia borg, Malta

i won't the two wonders of egypt.

Jake Issah, Ghana

Simply outstanding! These definitely made Transformers a huge success. :D

Nell Fog, Netherlands

Hello there! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you
if that would be ok. I'm definitely enjoying your blog and look forward to new updates.

Marcel Shelton, Germany

Dear Marcel, here is our Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/AirPano

Varvara, AirPano

C'est trais Beau,et Trais intéressant!!! Continuez!!!!!!! Merci.

André BARNES, France

I did visit the great chamber and believe in the orion theory! Amazing what You realised!

Francis Van den Abeele, Belgium

I traveld a lot before, but now as I am handicapt, I can visit and travel all over the world and learn a lot! Magnificent!

Francis Van den Abeele, Belgium


William Delbert, USA


julio A carvalho, USA


Munier Pierre julien, France

Absolutely amazing...great job!

emil koch, Poland

Brilliant. Well done.
I shot a documentary in Egypt a few months after you did this, interesting place. I am still in the edit phase and was wondering if using some of your footage is possible? big ask, I know. Thanks!

kyle weyburne, Australia

Thank you for the preview. Would like to go there one day.

Michael Bradham, USA

When I discovered how the pyramids were built I decided to present it to the world via film, but Hollywood doesn't take my calls... and they send back my mail. I am an engineer. I know how they did it. It's stupidly simple really.

Greg Moress, USA

What you have done is unbelviebly fantastic.


There are more famous ancient sites in Egypt or elsewhere in the world , the Great Pyramids of Giza. They are, without doubt, the icon most associated with Egypt. They have been both the main destination for tourists, and a source of imaginative thought to the world for over three thousand years.

Ashraf Farouk, Egypt

wonderful,bestwishs!come on!

xiyuan pang, China

Excelente reportaje, es mágico y muy interesante...Gracias por compartirlo. :)

Nubia Daza, Colombia


BLANC jean-pierre, France

Espectacular the most outstanding ancient place ever.

Climbed Keops in 1980 and this reminds me of the extraordinary master piece of ancient architecture...

U should add more video shots it may help some investigators to reveal more secrets. I saw something wird at the top of the sphinx...great job keep on doing it. Best

Luis Ampuero, Thailand

I visited this magnificent place in 2002, but now I can see more!

Adriana Georgeta Biro, Romania

show parabéns amei


show parabéns amei


i really enjoyed the beautiful pictures they were so clwar

aliyah attia, Australia

nice (y)

Dipanshu Upadhyay, India

"just by sitting in one place i travelled the whole world!i have no words to say!keep rocking..."great effort!

varadharajan aruna, India

Merci pour ces images, c'est tout à fait remarquable
Eric GRILLE France

Eric GRILLE, France

Astounding!!! The same could be done with other monuments and sites around the world. Beautiful and simple.

Ivan Rodriguez, Puerto Rico

Magnifique travail,beaucoup de trés belle vues,merci,merci,merci.

Jean Thiry, Belgium

Superb ! Love it.

SM Naufer, Sri Lanka

This is well animated but how is it established that these structures ever existed? How is it established that the Egyptians used "animal skins" to "float" 2-ton stones? How is it established that the Egyptians even quarried those stones? What purpose would they have had for such a structure--knowing that no Pharaoh was found buried within? There are far too many questions to be explained by the water theory and most of those questions are answered like this: The Egyptians did not "build" the pyramids. They were the first to find them and built their society around trying to figure out how they were built.

Crazed Leper, USA

WoW , its wonderful i invite the all to visit my country and pyramids ,thank you airpano

mo7amed samir, Egypt

Thank you for your comment and invitation! In return we invite you to see another our panoramas :)

Varvara, AirPano

Outstanding! Job well done! Thanks for sharing this with the world. I can't wait to see more.

Justin Walker, USA

Magnificent. Thank you. Brought a tear to my eye to see what they are doing to my heritage today.
When they said "time is afraid of the pyramids" they hadn't bargained on the fanatical urge to destroy.
Egypt, the Sphynix and pyramids deserve better.The taliban did it in Afghanistan and the Mslim Brotherhood and other fanatics are doing it to Egypt.
Thank you for letting the world see these magnificent monuments

ezzat guirguis, Canada

;l hkjd u/dli dhlwv fhgjhvdo;

abdelghani ibrahim omar, United Arab Emirates

30 years ago I worked in the Gaza strip and camped and dived in Egypts red Sea long before any hotels were there, I could completely identify with you description of negotiation to gain permission. Well done! I enjoyed all your work immensely.

Neil Sjoberg, United Kingdom


camus jean claude camus eveline, Guatemala

Beautifull. Feels like i were there.

Saravanan S, India


jake johann, USA

I was last year in The Pyramids and elsewhere of Egypt.
The views you show are more complet that I could appreciated even being there.
Great and dangerous work, but amazing!!! Thank you!!!

Cristina Piermattei, Argentina

Many thanks, Cristina! You're always welcome! 

Varvara, AirPano

wonderfull, amazing

Rajiv Garg, India

Far-out - many thanks!!!
I once climbed the Cheops Pyramid and spent a night on top of the Pyramid of Menkaure.
I’ll gladly share some of your fantastic works via Twitter…
All good wishes!

Harry Amon, Austria

Wooww, amazing, I really like to see the panoramic beauty of a country, including my country, it's just that it looks in the photo, when it? could see straight?

Yosafat Ruruk, Indonesia


Ton Lagraauw, Netherlands

All naise.

cedo filipovic, Yugoslavia

I re-lived my visit to pyramids in 2000. It was very hot there. the magnificence of pyramids can be appreciated only by being there. we enjoyed the evening light and sound show also depicting the history of pyramids.

rajendra bhanawat, India


ahmed ezzat, Egypt

My daugther and I visited Egypt 4 years ago and definitely I´m very suprised with this presentation. It´s wonderful!!!!. OH how a great work. I remember the trip and enjoy this marvellous air images



RYON Gérard, Singapore

Thank you. It's a great job for the world. You maré me see the pyramid's like I never see bafore. I never went to Egypt.

Teresa Leite, Portugal

wondermooi,deze reportage

Jose Baeyens, Belgium

Long live Egypt!

Iwona Rychter, Poland

You have created an Angelic moment that the People of the World can appreciate, Thank you for that Cyber Moment I really felt it and this is outstanding!

Lezlie Scott, USA

thank you so much i have seen one of the world's heritage so near for the firsttime

salvatore borg bonaci, Malta

How about a panoramic view of the K(G)aba Aye Pagoda just a few miles from Yangon (Rangoon)!
Thank you for all the joy you have given me.

hasan Dr moolla, Canada

thanks 4 everything

behrooz purmohammad, Iran

thank you airpano for your great work ,welcome every one in our lovely egypt. please ask our god to give us peace .

mohamed khalil, Egypt

Awesome, always wished to visit the Pyramids ,. Now I don't have to go personally as i have feasted on them . Read a lot during school & college days

Sabita Nazareth, India

Awesome, always wished to visit the Pyramids ,. Now I don't have to go personally as i have feasted on them . Read a lot during school & college days

Sabita Nazareth, India

"that's great ,thank you very much for your effort"

Amr osmna, Saudi Arabia

You are great! Crazy good projects have You. Be continue please. Good luck for your work and your life. Ferenc

Franck Wolf, Hungary

that's great ,thank you very much for your effort

peter fawzy, Egypt


Stefan Kopeć, Poland


Stefan Kopeć, Poland

Avete fatto un lavoro SUPER: vi dovrebbero dare un Nobel per il turismo e l'ingegno, oltre ad un Oscar per la fotografia. Grazie 10k da Tullio

tullio simonetti, Italy

Simplesmente Fantástico, Parabéns pelo vosso trabalho

Fradique Santos, Portugal

fantastic !!! l am very lucky l was there 4 times

Agnes De Berlangeer, Belgium

I have had the good fortune of having visited the Pyramids site earlier. This was like reliving that lucky time. Commendable effort.

Masrur Ahmad, Pakistan

really amazing. I pray the Almighty to make my dream of visiting the Pyramids come true


Truly Amazing ! I have been blesses with having been there .

Rafael Sanchez, South Africa

sutch a lovely world we live in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slobodan Todic, Mayotte

Very good,I enjoied the beautifull pictures!

Marcel Veen, Netherlands

wow very good. wonderful ~!!!
Fantastic ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hun Lee, Korea

Beyond Words!

Helen Malinak, USA

Superb! I'll never go there, so this was great. Thanks!

Peter Bell, Canada


d r, Uruguay


Mahesh Kapoor, India

It is really informative. This is the first time coming to this site.Yet IT IS FANTASTIC.

prajna dipija, India



simply awesome...

Saqib Bilal, Pakistan

WOW... I am in absolute awe!!! Thank you soooo very much for sharing, ohh my goodness, it was beautiful... I traveled from Egypt to Italy, i had a wonderful Sunday afternoon, and i shall travel to more of the most beautiful places during the week. Brilliant, Thanks for sharing your creative genius!!!

Felicity Cunniffe, South Africa

you guys are simply superb and doing good job for the rest of the people handling so many difficulties for people like me. May god bless you.i hope your future projects go very smoothly and you get permissions to shoot where you want to go and shoot. One last word for you wonderful people is EXCELLENT......

Bhagvan Rabari, India

The pyramids are no doubt great but so is your photography ..& how you managed is really fantastic ! Millions can see & enjoy the beauty ! ! !

Harish Budhlani, India

Only through the memory of my soul has Egypt come to me... until now through your work and haunting music.

Now I am really homesick.



Imelda FB Maguire, Canada


حمزة ابوكا&#160, Israel

Thank you so much, you made me see the Pyramids like I never seen before. you are no#1. it feels like I'm in the air with your helicopter. it's so pleasant and amazing photography. Thanks again

ibrahim hassan, Egypt

Amazing pictures

Amira Saied, Egypt

Very nice!
I was glad to hear my music in this panorama. However, the license my music is published under requires you to give a credit, without it your work is copyright infringing . Please make sure to include the following credit in the description:

Music: 1000 and 1 Nights by SaReGaMa


Sarva Mangalam, Antarctica

Dear Sarva, if you put your mouse over the melody selection button in the bottom left control block, you will see credits to the music. Is it OK or you need something else?


I have viewed only a few, I think as a commoner I have not ever viewed such a fantastic sites,wish I could visit such sites once in our life times,really fascinating & fantastic. Wish u all the best 4 the future.


Gracias por ste excelente trabajo

Angeles Ruiz, Spain


Brian Steven, Australia

I always wanted to see and experience the Pyramids but never got to Egypt. I am sure you have brought a lot of pleasure to a great many people viewing your excellent work. Well done and congratulations!

eduard goldschagg, South Africa

Thank you so much, you made me see the Pyramids like I never seen before. you are no#1. it feels like I'm in the air with your helicopter. it's so pleasant and amazing photography. Thanks again.

Taha Aladawi, Egypt

Absulutly FANTASTIC.!!!!!!!!!
its a never seen before......
well done.

Serge Funel, USA


Laura Exner, Canada


Norma E Leibold, USA

Fantastic work. All kudos for your work. Please keep it up. Thanks a lot for giving the wonderful experience...

Satya Prakash, India

Thank you for the opportunity to see the Pyramids in your panoramic views.Thank you for persisting in this endeavor to make it possible for many to appreciate these ancient wonders. Lydia, USA

Lydia Stevick, USA

Excellent work. thanks

christopher charles, Qatar

I love the History and Pictures Egypt has.
Charles Miller.

Charles Miller, USA

veeeeeeeryyyyy go0000ood

amir amiri, Iran

We are supposed to leave Oct.14th. Alexandria is our first port but with the unrest in Cairo, the cruise line suspended stops there through Sept. I will be so disappointed if the unrest continues and our cruise by passes Alexandria also. We have reservations to stay one night in Cairo and have a two day tour planned of the pyramids, etc.

Sue Ann McClutchey
Oconomowoc, WI., USA

Sue Ann McClutchey, USA

I´ve been there. your panorama give me now another perspective. I appreciate your work. Just find in your photos the perimetral stone wall almost hide in the sand I did not see when i was there. Thanks a lat for this and for de others too, are really amazing.

Audrey Sagols Ruiz, Spain

I would like to visit this wonderful place- The Emerates.But I cant afford it.


"Awesome"....exclusive....a must see for all who want to travel but cannot.....Lovely, must say....

Iris Fernandes, India

simply fantastic!! the trips of a life time!!!~!
thank you

bobby turua, Cook Islands

a must see

George Wiebe, Canada

Great Photography and a good sense of humor despite of the exaggeration

Mohamed Eisa, Egypt

Beautiful photography!! Reminded me of my visit in 2006

Jatinder Peters, India

just unimaginable. mind shattering. such a wonderful idea of photographing & presenting with a bird's view.awesome,wonderful... no words to describe the feeling.

mihir patel, India

Just great I dont think you could make it any better.

Tom J h Wilson, Australia


Thao Dang Dinh, Vietnam




Ramón Cano, Mexico

Thanks for the good work guys keep up and stay blessed

Henry Nyakudya, Zimbabwe

From the comfort of my room through my PC I was engulfed with an aura of a tourist to this beautiful site. Everything from the zenith of the pyramid to the chopped nose of great Sphinx was awesome. Your panoramic works are really inspiring and I share in the pains and frustrations you always encounter while preparing for your fans the memorable gifts. May these works live beyond you.

Kamil Alabelewe, United Arab Emirates

Reading about what you have to going through, to get such magnificent photos make them more fascinating . . . thanks

Guillermo Medina, Mexico

Awesome.Is better than the view that I was physically there. Visit it on 07Aug12.

Fun Chong, Malaysia

What a wonderful world.

William Poole, Australia

"Absolutely amazing, great graphics. Thank You!"

Gloria Charles, Cayman Islands

Very interesting, visited the site in 1997!

charmaine botha, South Africa

Amazing.Thank you for giving these wonderful spectacles to the world for free.

M.G. SAMUEL, India

Congratulations for your amazing and perfect job.

Javier Escobar Arce, Mexico

This is really a great work. And this is the way our future generation will know about the history. Great and kudos to all those involved.


Hi Guys,

My wife Janette who is an amateur Egyptologist and I go regularly to Cairo and stay at the Mena House Hotel with a balcony just across the road from the Pyramids so we know the area well. But your photos and website are simply amazing. The best view of the pyramids we have ever seen. Where did you buy your helicopter? I want one!


David and Janette

David Waddington, United Kingdom

Thank you for sharing these stunning photos. Music is lovely too....takes me away to a magical place...:)

Debra Lawrence, United Kingdom

Ver las pirámides de nuevo ha sido maravilloso, extraordinario. Muchas gracias, espero volver a Egipto.


What asight to behold!!!

Marian Hemming, United Kingdom

Your pictures are beautiful! .... Amazing and beautiful photography!

Maged Nabawy, Egypt


arun brahmbhatt, India

wonderful!such a amazing work excellent job!

Babar shazad, Pakistan

Amazing - Wonderful work - I never went there physically but now I saw how impressive this region in Egypt looks like. Thanks for sharing with everyone.

Helene Knight, Canada

Was just there 10 days ago - what an experience. Because of the revolution tourism is way down so we were almost alone walking around the pyramids - amazing!

Robbins Hail, USA

I have visited Egypt a number of times and obviously gone to the pyramid site, BUT the views you have shown areabsolutely outstand. Wonderful

Anne Murray, United Kingdom

The best i've seen in a long time absolutely outstanding.

Mel Jameson, Canada


Carmen Reynoso, Mexico

Thanks for the memories never thought I would see the SPHINX again I have a pic I took in 1944 while there in the Royal Air Force There was more Nose on my pic then.

John Greves, Canada

brilliant idea to show people the whole world, take me back to cairo, well done.

mona saad, Egypt

strokes of genius............

jai rao, India

Truly awesome experience. Thank you for your efforts . Keep up your great work

Farooq Rathore, Pakistan

I was born there .What an amazing job you have done .Thanks for the memories.

Michael Pace, Australia

i was born there in 1946, left in 1964
your work is wonderful
i love it

michael athanassiou, Australia

Exelent Job, Beautiful, fantatic PANORAMA

Jose A. Siaca-Martinez, Puerto Rico

I just loved this panorama.The photos and the background music are awersome and someday I hope I'll be able to see these wonders in person!

Lise Jacques-Cartier, Canada

This is one of the best Wed site I ever found in my life. There is no word to explain how much I enjoyed these pictures by myself, family & friends. We feel like we visited these places. Thank you very much & wish you all the best. Hope to see many more in the future. May God bless you all.

Tushara Wasantha, Sri Lanka

Thanks a lot for your kind attention.

Varvara, AirPano

Fabuleux, cette visite des pyramides est grandiose.Très beau travail.

pollux david, France

Sjoe, absolutely fantastic!!!

Heloise Horne, South Africa

Ever since elementary school I've been fascinated by the pyramids. Now, at my age - 60, I doubt I will ever make it there. Thank you so much for doing this work so that the rest of us in the world can appreciate it! Your work is in a completely higher realm than 'still' pictures.

Leslie Adam, Canada

Many thanks for the comment. Regards!

Varvara, AirPano


Catherine Storey, Ireland

Last May I visited Egypt and enjoyed the sights and sounds of this ancient culture.The view of Pyramids and Sphinx of Gaza at ground level itself was awe inspiring.These aerial views are simply breath taking. Learnt about the troubles your team had to endure to produce such marvellous creations. Thank you very much.

Kasi Viswanathan, India

Thank you very much for this Lovely Panoramic view of Egypt, as if I went there.

Amal Zakka, Lebanon


poyya mozhi, India

Amazing is not a word. Thank you for sharing this.

Sanjna Bhargava, India


Tam2 Ghazali, Malaysia

I visited the Pyrmids and Cairo in 1946 while serving in the U S Navy, and I rode a camel out of Cario to visit and View Them, It has always been the highlight of my visits throughout the world. Now you have made it possible for me to view it once again and to share the moment with Family and Friends. Thanks for renewing the memories. Super Great Job.

D. Wayne Penny, USA

You are welcome! Come to visit our site again.

Varvara, AirPano

Fabulous, awesome, amazing photography. Thanks .

Sue Sabet, USA


Shakeel Ahmed, Pakistan

Thanks for read your mail and increase my travel nolage ok bye

Qasim Chanda, Pakistan

Really ,God is great !! He created man and the man made the Pyramids !! Thomas Kunnath, India

Thomas Kunnath, India


Aswathanarayana Narayana, India

Quite a view, one can feel one's KA is flying over Ancient Egypt.

John Pace, Canada

Great work done by you, a real feeling of seeing the Pyramids in Egypt, though sitting far away from the place. I would request you to add some historical places of India also in your work.

Paul Antony, India

There really were no words to express my emotions after seeing the work done by you guys. I got to know about this beautiful work through mail recently. I was always amused hearing about the pyramids, but I was never able to make a visit there, even though I still wish I could be near that monument. I was feeling happy to watch all these places from my personal computer and felt as if I was standing on top of the world or flying over the horizon like a bird and watching what was there below myself. I was stunned by the pictures of the Angel Falls Venezuela. I appreciate the hard work guys and it is really bad that you had to negotiate 4 hours to get all these most valuable images back to your hand.

May God bless everyone involved in this team

Bharatharaj venkateswaran, India

Your message touched us. Thank you for it. Regards.

Varvara, AirPano

This is sooo cool!!!!!!!

lily jones, Bosnia and Herzegovina

first of its kind, really fascinating. AWESOME!

Ronaldo Garcia, Philippines

I have not yet seen your panaroma

Charlie McNutt, USA

There are no words to express my grattitudes for your excellent effort. In ancient days man made wonders, but, these present days we are getting close to these wonders from any corner of the globe. Thanks once again for your help indeed.

Shaik.Abdul Samad- Koovur-W.G.Dt.A.P.India.

shaik Abdul Samad, India

excellent work in photographing one of the the most monumental of creations of human beings.thanks for the work of art!

harihara murthy, India

Appreciate your words.

Varvara, AirPano

I declare itto be a 10!!!! Beavtifvl work!! Iam 69 yers old, don't expect I'll ever get to go to see the wonders of this world in person,bvt now yo are bringing the world to me.I love yo folks for that!! Blssings to all who made this possible!!!! Linda from Portsmovth,New Hampshire

Constance "Linda" McColett, USA

This is amazing !!! Good work !! Thank You ~ ~ ලස්සන වැඩක් ~

chitraka ambepitiya, Sri Lanka


李 雪, China

This is amazing! Excellent Views ! Thank You !

Rygulski Robert, Poland

The panorama is absolutely fantastic.

Frank Perry, USA

Simply marvelous Unbelievable

sulabha VP, India

Exciting to look at.

Helen Cassar, Malta

These panoramic images are absolutely breathtaking. My husband and I visited the pyramids and Sphinx 33 years ago; seeing them again through these photos brought back wonderful memories. Thank you so much and keep up your good work!

Joanne Pons, France

Thank you for your kind wishes. Regards!

Varvara, AirPano

nice presentation

Don Branker, USA

No adjectives to describe. Can only say its AWESOME. Repeat really AWESOME.

Naval Nadirshah Driver, India

We were just there two years ago right before the revolution and that country is so beautiful and so are the people This is just beautiful pictures and brought back lots of beautiful memories. GREAT JOB contineu this project this should be shown to kids in schools to show real history.

Joann Sala

Interesting, come and see for yourself the 'truth' about pyramids&sphinx.

Ayoub M AYOUB, Egypt

Excellent! Memories of a visit in 1961! Does a man still run up the Great Pyramid? Memorable!

Kathleen McMorran, United Kingdom

Beautiful pictures, very nice and marvelous, this gives a great view of Egypt..thanks..

Saleem Khan, India

Beautiful pictures, very nice and marvelous, this gives a great view of Egypt..thanks..

Saleem Khan, India

Thanks for the memories. have not seen Cairo or the other sites since 1944, when I was in the Royal Air Force.As I lost all my photographs in a fire in England, I now have some reminders of my time in the Middle East

Cliff Campbell, Australia

Brilliant, cannot watch it enough, better than flying in a simulator, from beach girl in Perth Austalia, thank you again

stephanie duncan, Australia

Excellent work by your team. Stupendous.

Ramabadran Srinivasan, India

I never imagined that I can watch such man-made wonders so minutely. In fact, I indebted to your team!

L N V K Durga Prasad, India

I never imagined that I can watch such man-made wonders so minutely. In fact, I indebted to your team!

L N V K Durga Prasad, India

I visited Egypt in 2010 and saw Giza Etc. I flew over the valley of the Kings in a hot air balloon then. It was humbling to be at the bottom as well as view these marvels from the top. Great remembering it all , thanks for your magnificent tour.

J Pim, Canada


BENNY RAMOUTAR, Trinidad and Tobago

A job well done.
Thanks for sharing.

Vee Wong, Canada

wonderful! for some of us this is the only way to see how beautiful egypt and its pyramids are. thank you very much for this great proyect,

maria velazquez, USA

i never imagined i could get this kind of close and detailed view of the man made wonder. Amazing is nowhere near the perfect description of the wonder you have captured for us. I am indebted

ranganathan seetharaman, India

We appreciate your attention and are really glad you left this message for us.

Varvara, AirPano

Just one word "AMAZING".

Pradeep Panghal, India

Marvalleoul creations. Not worth missing it to see in life at least once. By seeing through the pictures, a feeling to be at the place in Egypt is experienced. Thanks for exposure to such a prime and excellent view.

Indravadan Vakil, India

Love Egypt?!

Gerard Sursock, Australia

Fabulous - Great idea and brings back so many memories. Great work.

Vic Pretorius, South Africa

thanks to you every time i wanted to visit my houme country to remember my self when i was young i watch
thanks for making my eye tearing.

ramadan elkafrawy, USA

Quite an amazing experince of the Trip around the world whilesitting at home !!!Great Idea!!!
What a progress of Human mankind ?

Vijay Deshpande, India

Il est bon de faire connaitre toute les difficultés administratives que cela comporte de faire un reportage filmé en Egypte.Pays merveilleux .Mille merci


geneviève bovard borlat, Switzerland

Thank you for a dream come true. I might not be able to visit one of my Dream Countries but your pictures did it for me. Thank you again. M-S Kelly


This is really amazing!!!! I've seen the pyramids and Sphinx from afar when I went to Egypt years ago. Watching this makes me feel I have visited Egypt again. Thank you for sharing this.

Lorna De Rivera, Philippines

what can i say but all superlatives!!!you guys give me goose bumps !!thanks a million for giving the world these pictures and videos...we are grateful ...wishing you huge "gizallion" success on this venture !!

angie goto, USA

nice one

afsal aboobakker, India

that we totally AWESOME....thanks for sharing....

geri mcgary, USA

awesome the bestarmchair ride ever

bryan joyce, Australia

Beautiful...I have always wanted to see Egypt, particularly the Nile, Great Pyramids, Sphinx, Valley of the Gods, etc. It seems I just did. Thank you for the experience & please continue to do and share this kind of armchair travel!

CC Proctor, USA

"Out of this world!!!"I boast to be one of the few who ever CLIMBED the Khufu (Cheops) pyramid, right to the top,in 1984, at dawn(and have the photographs to prove it). It was awesome!and very tiring...it was highly illegal , or so my guide told me, but we did it, climbing the edge up and then down again, equally audacious. Once at the top I saw the same panorama as shown here. Thank you for the re-experience!

Ben Andriessen, United Kingdom

awesome works..

really amazing...
i ws stunned.

reynold jose, India




ali mahmed, Bangladesh

Absolutely fantastic. Been working on Egypt for two years I've been at pyramids some times when those where free to visit but this film reveals for me a enterely new view of pyramids.
Congratulations was a good job

Rui Figueiredo, Portugal

it's best video of Giza i ever seen. Please Try to catch Video in Indonesia. You can see Borobudur, Prambanan Temple... it's Good for panorama video..

Visit Bromo, Bali...


Hadi Sarwono, Indonesia

amazing is all i can say great job

Ravi Rebbapragada, India

wow...... perfect combination of adventure, technology and photography ...

Geetesh Shakyawar, India

Thanks!! Now i feel as if i have toured the Pyramids.Great work.

Dora Long, Malaysia

Great work.
Sorry for the hard time you had, but it was worth it, and sure you will have a better experience next time.
I'm also into RC, and I'd love to make such photos myself.

Montasser Wahid, Egypt

Wao!! Simply amazing. Feels like I just visited Egypt. Thanks for sharing.

Victor Ibekwe, Nigeria

What a wonderful way of photoing the pyramids. It looks like the tinney heliocopter has great military possibilities as well as surveying for large construction projects.

Kermit Karns, USA

Thank you! I have been to Egypt and these panoramas bring everything back. This is great.

Barbara Blättler, Namibia

Simply Amazing, i have done my tour.

Ambresh Hanmanthu, India

"It is a wonderful job and ultimate panorama keep up the good work, thank u a lot for this efforts"

sadegh lasebai, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

This is so wonderful. Where can l get a copy of this?

Rochelle Jardenaire, USA

Dear Rochelle, our panoramas can't be saved or downloaded. Only online viewing is available. If you would like to use the panoramas offline you need to buy them. You can use print screens or iFrame code for non-commercial purposes according to our citation rules: http://icute.app/citations.php?set_language=2

Varvara, AirPano


MARIA NG, Malaysia

Thanks! We'll go on for sure.

Varvara, AirPano

Although i have not been these places i really enjoy the panorama imagining its geographical,historical and environmental values.

piyatilleke kaluwa dewa, Sri Lanka

Truly the wonder of this planet - Hoping the Islamic brotherhood will not destroy these wonders. Egyptians should go back to their old glory and their own Gods in religion, going back will make them powerful again. Egyptians are not Arabs, they are Egyptians an exceptional civilization.

Howard MacAndrew, USA

Go to the hell!!! :-) It IS beutiful idea!!! Ruisian brain is same as american (red or blue brother it is same)but with poetic charge. Thank YOU guys. By czech language:"fuck Magi(Czech broth)cubes" or "That to me (dick) get out."

RUDLA newer mind, Czech Republic

Simply marvellous. I have seen a few views esp. the pyramids & I am deeply impressed, I have earlier visited Cairo and the various pyramids and thus I could enjoy & appreciate the panorama still more. Well done.

Vijai K Sharma, India

I thank the team behind this great and difficult spectacular job. I am proud of being an Egyptian at the same time I enjoy this Panorama.
Thanks to all who commented so nicely

Cherif Loutfi, Egypt

We are grateful for your interest. Thanks!

Varvara, AirPano

I would like to see some of the pictures of these fabulous countries that is on show
Mavis Law

Mavis Law, South Africa

Feel Like Im in EGYPT This is Amazing

bill platers, Australia

Great work!Well done.

koralagamage sarath chandraratne, Sri Lanka

Its a great job...but i think that u discovered,that if u went through the proper channel,every thing will be easier,any how,I realy admire what u have done,now u know the way,looking forward to see u,we have many other good sights worth to be photed....wish u good luck,take care....

ahmad zeidan, Egypt

Me pareció estar cerca de un mundo celestial que sació mi sed de conocer. Infinitas gracias.

Mario Adalberto Machón Escoto, El Salvador


Amaratunga Ha, Sri Lanka

Simply......... unbeleavable..

Dillip Baral, India

superb show. keep the good work up

sanath Panabokke, Sri Lanka

Muy buenos paseos en helicóptero , que se repitan de otros bellos lugares .

Hector Araujo, Uruguay

wow! great work ...amazing

aliya sharafi, Canada

Great photos!! Than, fantastic scenes also can be sharing in hintherland of Brazilian Amazonia; especialy on lefth border of River Amazonas

Rogério Funfas, Brazil

Veeeeery excelent !

Ricardo Ruhl, Brazil

Fantastic Photos, excellent topic, your work shows the length you went through to get such honourable results... Congratulations! It´s a true version of these monuments, which can only be a praise to Egypt Country and People... Well done! Berry and John Bell

Berry Bell, Brazil

We are grateful for your kind opinion.

Varvara, AirPano

Thanks for the opportunity to remember the nice weeks I´ve spent in that magic land....keep up the good work. Congrats

Genaldo Vargas, Brazil

topic Beautiful

zaki adob, Egypt

really its amazing work thank you
( long life Egypt )

ahmed elkhshin, Egypt

really its amazing work thank you
( long life Egypt )

ahmed elkhshin, Egypt

This is amazing! (Y)

Abdelrahman Hesham, Egypt

thanks a lot ,, we appreciate your efforts to bring this magnificent work .. we like to share our great history with all the world

Ahmed Ibrahiem, Egypt

wow wow wow... i'm looking forward to my next visit to egypt. this time must be Cairo

Tosca Gauthier, Luxembourg

good contents

yucheng LI, China

Thank you very much for your great work! I can use your photos to help my students to know Egypt Pyramids!

baole chang, China

Me pareciò , algo Fantàstico , realmente me transportò alli casi que en el tiempo mismo , !gracias por mostranos estas bellezas , del mundo , y mas las Piràmides , ! cosa , que jamàs sabremos , como fueron conztridas ,, !!!! gracias , gracias , bellìiiiiiiiiisimooooooooooooo!

Ana Maria masramon, Argentina

Excellent piece of work.Pls add other world famous sites if u can.Thanks.

karim dhanani, Kenya

Superbe réalisation! Un grand merci à l'équipe de tournage pour nous avoir fourni pareil document.On s'y croirait..!

Renée MARCEL, France

Unfortunately, we don't understand French. Please leave your messages in English. Thanks.

Varvara, AirPano

This is a very poor country with so much history. You have to be there to understand. Don't miss the River Mile cruise. One day we pray the troubles of the country will be over so we can return.

P;hyllis & Terry Fondriest, USA

well done panoramas are excellent and the music is inspiring was there a certain composer who made that type of music

jordyn bateman, Australia

If you can get there you must see Egypt before you leave the earth.We will never forget the sensation of seeing the treasures of Egypt.I only hope whatever form of government comes to power there protects them.
Gerry & Jacki Mongeluzo

Gerry Mongeluzo, USA

I love the site! Please, I need some information: what is the name of the songs that touch the video of the pyramids? Thank you!

Dener Giovanini, Brazil

Thanks a lot for the message left. The answer to your question can be found on page FAQ http://icute.app/FAQ.php

Varvara, AirPano

I loved it, beautiful, beautiful beautiful!
I appreciated many details. I wish to know Egypt, seeing these pictures, my desire is even greater. Thank you for the beautiful work.

Bya Albuquerque, Brazil

magnifico estonteante da vontade de estar la pois nunca tive esta oportuninade lindo lindo lindo obrigado aos colaboradores desta pagina

teresa cristina dos santos crespo, Brazil

Veľmi dobrý nápad. V živote som túžila na vlastné oči vidieť tie nádherné skvosty ako sú pyramídy. Pre rôzne dôvody (zdravotné, finančné) to asi nikdy na vlastné oči neuvidím. Ďakujem touto cestou za naozaj dobrý nápad, je to naozaj nádherné. Ešte raz ďakujem.

Jarmila Laznovská, Slovakia

LOVEEDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!! Keep doing extraordinary things like this!!

Bia amorim, Brazil

At first I want to thank you for sharing this FANTASTIC PHOTO with us. then I want you to photo the deep of the red sea to show all the world how beauty it is , the mountains of the red sea and TAHRIR SQARE too .

Ahmed Alaa El-Din, Egypt

Thank you for the high appraisal of our work.

Varvara, AirPano

Cest voyager à peu de frais...
tout simplement magnifique

Drapeau Réjeanne, Canada

thats a great jop.u know i always see pyramids, but this time u make feel like first time i see pyramids thank u very much. u are great man who made that great work for great pyramids :D :D xD

AhMeD SaaD, Egypt

Que de superbes images, bravo ! Quel plaisir de revoir ce beau site !

Joyce Mez, Switzerland

Egypt's most beautiful tourist country in existence. Even drank water from the Nile back again if in another world.
وحشتينى يا مصر


Thanks a lot for the message left.

Varvara, AirPano

Os meus sinceros parabéns por este maravilhoso trabalho e belas fotografias! Já lá estive e também adorei!!!Vivi muito intensamente esta história do mundo! Maravilha!

Julieta Mateus, Portugal

de verdad los felicito por el arduo trabajo que realizaron para beneplácito del resto del mundo personas como ustedes hacen que la humanidad pueda permanecer sobre la tierra. gracias

Rosa Maria Gómez, Mexico

Magnifiques,époustouflantes et fascinantes images ! www.glmm.fm

Misraïm GLMM, France

This is amazing!

Ajay Karde, India

ces images magnifiques nous ont montré les sites
d'une façon totalement différente de ce que nous avons vu.
A quand d'autres images aussi superbes.
A bientôt j'espère.

MARION Valerie, France



Wonderfull committed work, one can feel that I am visiting the world famous Gaza Pyramids of my own. Encourage you to bring such panaramic views fo many such world famous events. Goog... Good..

kalavakuri Abraham, India

Many thanks for the message left.

Varvara, AirPano

Mind blowing. Thank you for your hard and rewrding work

Balkrishna Kurvey, India

Very good~
Great masterpiece~

Sinhung Chen, Taiwan Region

I was astounded and in awe when discovering AirPano.com. It is the most closest trip in facing reality around the world while sitting at your computer. Magnificent job by the Russian Photographers with their Helicopter Camera support. Would love you to add some of the Senic South Island namely...Queenstown, Central Otago, Dunedin, etc! You have glued me to your site.

Kevin Wilson, New Zealand

It's nice to hear from you, Kevin. Thanks for your message and high appraisal of our works.

Varvara, AirPano

Le panorama est très bien fait, ceux qui critiquent n'auraient surement pas mieux fait
compte tenu de la difficulté qu'il y a à circuler
librement, sur terre ou dans les airs.


Great work man ..
i have a question, what's that thing which holds the camera in the air? if i want to get one,is it available?

Islam Ma'moun, Egypt

Lovely.Gives one a v.v. realistic view.But no amount of armchair travelling can give one the real feel of these magnificent monuments.You have to be there to experience their awesome majesty
Egyptian Tourism please thank me for the canvassing!!!


ok. Thank you :)

Varvara, AirPano

Great Great

nabil effat, Egypt

it is a great job what u did u can be all over the world better than to be in cruise it is amazing & the rate supose to be 10 not 5 thanks for the hard jop u did.

samir riad, Canada

Fantastic panorama

anas tar, Morocco

Uaauuuu Maravilloso, Precioso, Increible, Un viaje virtual, me gusto muchisimo, los felicito.

Claudina Corte, Mexico

Extraordinary ! Amazing ! Magnificent ! Thanks for let us share the beauties of this world by combining great ideas, high technology, wide knowledge, great sense of esthetism and on top a great moment of poetry

Hana Farid, Egypt

Thank you, Hana, for the high appraisal of our work. We appreciate it.

Varvara, AirPano

1xűen fantasztikus,csodálatos,lélegzetelállító!

Tóth Imre, Hungary

absolutely amazing, Congratulations.

João Carlos krahe, Brazil


小龙 黄, China

These are really Excellent Views.

Brett Thomas, New Zealand

Wow it is suuuuuper! Absolutely Fantastic!
Thank You ( Rate 15 from 5)

tonio Dubis, Poland

Saludos desde San Fernando- Bs.As.-Argentina--

marina solis, Argentina

Uma excelente iniciativa.

Flávia Moreira, Brazil

Fantastic job keep it up. Thanks to you people
that cannot travel because handicap situation
can see other places and things in the world.

Pedro E. del Valle, Puerto Rico

It gives us pleasure to hear from you.

Varvara, AirPano

My Great Land EGYPT
تحيا مصر
أم الدنيا

Mohammed Khalil, Egypt

awesome really you are the superstar i recommend to visit also the Temple of Abu Simbel, Luxor, Aswan, Alexandria, sharm el sheikh & finaly Old Cairo welcome to Egypt

mohamed helaly, Egypt

Thanks a lot for the message left and your recommendations.

Varvara, AirPano

Diez puntos, impresionantes las panorámicas

josé castro, Argentina

muito bom mesmo!

Rodrigo Farias, Brazil

Egypt is the Best

mohamed hammam, Egypt

truly awesome beautiful pictures and the pyramids are amazing respect i want it for wallpaper ! congratulations amazing job!

mel apsem, Greece

your work is the best , waiting for more success , what's your camera model ?

sherif magdy, Egypt

i recommend to visit also the Temple of Abu Simbel, Luxor, Aswan, Alexandria, sharm el sheikh & finaly Old Cairo welcome to Egypt & thx 4 ur effort

Sami Derias, Egypt

Can't imagine the things or materials existing in this world.

G. D. Nair, India

Yes, the world is different. Its variety impress ;)

Varvara, AirPano


Kathryn Fox, USA

Great vorks!! Congratula!4

Laszlo Molnar, Hungary

once again u have proved that u r the ultimate panorama masters of the world!excellent work done and it was magical.superb.well done and thank u for sharing this scenes with us.

Brandon Watts, India




xu lu, China

Oh my God, Grear work for a wonderful country like Egypt. sorry Guys if you have had any problems during your visit but be sure that Egypt will be always the land of peace & welcome it's visitors from all over the world forever.Thanks for your wonderful photos& keep up the good work.

Marwa Hamed, Egypt

very best so my favorites..

nilguen ceran, Turkey

hi again, i wish you come here ( iran ) and one day i see very nice panorama of iran(shiraz-esfahan-mashhad,...) in your site :) i love your panoramaaaaaa

Morteza Fallah, Iran

يارب يحرسك يا مصر

adel sopc, Egypt

WOW !! its amazing . good job boys :) //LIKE//

amir lotfi, Iran

GREAT...7 STARS....WOW !!!!

Patrizia Pittau, Switzerland

Good job boys! KARŞIYAKA ÇARŞI her yerde...

Karşıyakalı Atakan

great work ^_^

Mohamed farouk, Egypt

created an interest to visit the place, no words to comment


Excellent work wonderful & amazing ...congratulation

Fahad Al Wadie, Saudi Arabia

É realmente espetacular. Observei tudo, nos mínimos detalhes. Deu-me mais vontade de ir até lá. Parabéns a toda a equipe de fotógrafos.

Ítalo Pasini, Brazil

Super....really its hard work but the result is fantastic....go go go
i do recommend to visit also the Temple of Abu Simbel, Luxor, Aswan, Alexandria, sharm el sheikh & finaly Old Cairo
welcome to Egypt & thx 4 ur effort

Amr Gamal, Egypt

Dear Sir
Thank's for you this is it's & all your works wonderful very much I hope of you send me any new videos to my email.
My greetings kindly

Hassan Nagi, Egypt

Super....really its hard work but the result is fantastic....go go go
i do recommend to visit also the Temple of Abu Simbel, Luxor, Aswan, Alexandria, sharm el sheikh & finaly Old Cairo
welcome to Egypt & thx 4 ur effort

Amr Gamal, Egypt

Thank you for the comment and recommendations!

Varvara, AirPano

Dziekuje bardzo. Wreszcie spelnilo sie moje marzenie, odwiedzilem piramidy w Egipcie.
Grat Thanks. Finally my dreams were fulfilled, I visited pyramids in Egipt.

Eugeniusz Gawor, Poland

A+++ ,

abdallah emam, USA


naji halab, Switzerland

Simply amazing! As exciting as being among the pyramids!

Moacir Santos, Brazil

a very nice job

mohamed khalil, Egypt

more than nice

walid aziz, Egypt

جميل جدا

abdullah helalat, Jordan

I have visited the pyramids twice in my lifetime but I must say that your panorama was unbelievable. I tip my hat to you....awesome work!!

Patrick Ross, USA

It is a wonderful job and ultimate panorama keep up the good work, thank u a lot for this efforts

Aisha Mohamed, USA


Adel Morsy, Egypt

egypt heart of the world

ahmed elsayed, Egypt


jehad jehad ali hammad, Jordan

I've not visited the pyramids' though i would love to sometime. But I do believe that I may not appreciate the same in reality because your panorama is absolutey mind blowing! Great Job !!!

cherry cherian, India

Don't refuse viewing the pyramids with your own eyes if you can afford. They worth your attention. Anyway, thanks!

Varvara, AirPano

Thank you very much Airpano for the great efforts, I hope it encourages more Tourists to come visit the amazing EGYPT (it's NOT enough to watch it here) :)
[an EGYPTIAN Tour Guide](msry@hotmail.com)

Mahmoud Ramadan, Egypt

great work we are thanks all who shares this work
من اروع الاعمال الاعمال التى تروج السياحه لمصر نشكركم على ذلك وبالتوفيق وياريت نشوف باقى الاثار بنفس الطريقه

Alaa Ata, Egypt

best of the best from the best

Hesham Sabry, Egypt

thanks of all the thanks from many-many thanks :)

Varvara, AirPano

it is great

Ahmed abdel samad, Egypt

عمل رائع رائع رائع رائع رائع تسلم ألايادي التي ساهمت في إخراجه . معماري مصري/ يحيي سلان.

yahya raslan

great shots mate i loved it , smooth and steady
i am Egyptian and i do aerial photography my self but i know that aerial photography is prohibited in Egypt for no reason u were lucky that the police didn't come after you
what camera and lens u were using on you hexakopter ?

Ahmed Zidan, Egypt

Very nice i hope this amazing shots will attract tourists to visit Egypt to see more

Mona Mostafa, Egypt

EXTRAORDINARY ,bellissimo grazie molto sei grandissmo

yasser ahmed, Italy

I think that the panorama was great but it is not the best because maybe you could have added some labels or even commented yourself.

Amaya Gonzalez-Mollmann, USA

It is fantastic work. i never been to Egypt, i believe in pyramids as Arabian proverb says, Everything in the world is afraid of time, and time is afraid of the pyramids. When time and space meet there will be miracle. Fantastic piece of information about how pains taking and technically sound work done, keep it up. all the very best in next venture.

maltesh Motebennur, India

Thank you! We'll follow your advice.

Varvara, AirPano


campos altino campos, Brazil

well wat i can say that its a masterpiece i can not describe my feeling its true that i visited it many times but when i see this i figured out that i never been there !!
really great , awesome , marvelous work
keep it up ^^

Sammy Mansour, Egypt

It is a pleasure to here that from you!

Varvara, AirPano

it is very very fantastic

sooq masr, Egypt

Fantastic! thank you very much loooooool

sam self, Morocco

You are welcome!

Varvara, AirPano


Please send to Jo C Constantin <joconstantin@gmail.com>

John Dale, Brazil

Fantastic! thank you very much indeed

Amr Hashem, Egypt

I have been many times to my mother's country but never saw the pyramids in that perspective.
Brilliant, simply brilliant!
Ana bahebek kitir..Thank you for all your efforts. Should you come to my neck of the woods I will take you by the hand and make you discover the breathtaking beauty of the Southwest of the USA.

Rosemary Graham-Gardner, USA

Many thanks for the invitation as well as for the high appraisal of our creative work!

Varvara, AirPano

EXTRAORDINARY !! thank you very much for your hard effort to get these beautiful images,you made me see the pyramides by another way

Mohamed Ahmed, Egypt

EXTRAORDINARY !! thank you very much for your hard effort to get these beautiful images,you made me see the pyramides by another way

Mohamed Ahmed, Egypt

Um trabalho fantástico. Parabéns!

Sônia Knaffls, Brazil

Magnificent!! You made my dreams come true. I've finally visited the Spinx and Pyramids of Cairo. It's the closest I'll ever get...Thank you for this gift for others to see. We should all have the opportunity to visit this site. Incredible views!

Lorraine Ciuba, USA

Your words are very kind and it's nice to hear them! Thanks to you!

Varvara, AirPano

Your great work helped me to come back mentaly and to start the process of doing it real next summer again with my family.
Thank you

Dimitrios Agalos, Greece

Thank you, we are happy to be useful! Have a nice trip!

Varvara, AirPano

Extraordinário, maravilhoso, lindo!!! Consegui realmente viajar... Esplêndido!!! Parabéns...! Estou emocionada...

Mery El Dib, Brazil


Ganesh Soradi, India

Sencillamente espectacular, esto es vivir la realidad de la historia y sus antepasados a través de estos bellos paisajes vivos. Aqui se refrenda lo original de una cultura milenaria, que no pierde vigencia. Abrazo Civico

Francisco Javier Pareja Vallejo, Colombia

we appreciate you attention!

Varvara, AirPano

No coment

Ijaz Khan, Pakistan

هذا الفيلم الوثائقى الجميل والخطير بحق ويتم تصويره من الجو للاهرامات انه لعمل فوز وطريقة الاخراج له كانت اجمل مع استخدام خرائط ناسا الامريكيهوالرؤيه من كافة الزوايا بالتقريب والبعد البؤرى عمل خطير جدا والله بكل المقاييس وياريت ان يوزع هذا الفيلم الخطير على جميع سفاراتنا فى الخارج ليعرض عندهم هنا لجزب السياح بحقومنذ فتره قليله كنت ارى ايضا فيلما مصورى من الارض لمصر الحبيبه على كل الاماكن السياحيه فى مصر وان اشكرك على هذا الابداع استاذهمنال متولى جهود الجبار معكى معاونيكى لهذا الانجاز العظيم اين وز

hamdy zayed, Egypt

Thanks...GREAT !!

warunrat sutthisunth, Thailand

wooooooooo un sueño hecho realidad.....hermosisisisisiisisisisisiisisisimoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooGRACIAS.

pamm mont, Mexico

Wonderful,unbelievably beautiful!!

Oriana Townley, Spain

This is amazing! You really did a splendid job guys, I felt above the pyramids

gabriela morgado, Mexico

Many thanks for your comment!


I think that what you are doing is absolutely wondrful!

Maria Avaritsioti, Greece

i fell im there very amazing. thank you for giving this to everyone

Hamed Tabrizi, Iran

FANTASTIC!! Wonderful and marvellous work. I was there and visited but now I can appreciate the details and more of what I saw.

Sammy Israel, Canada

You are welcome! Enjoy viewing!


Absolutely fabulous !

Ovidiu Novac, Romania


majid zare moghadam, Iran


Guiselle Ruiz, Mexico

Never made it to Cairo, thankyou for your persistance in taking these photographs,truely
amazing feel as if I`ve been there now.

maree murdziak, Australia

Because of the economic crisis in Europe and especialy in Greece,I had quit the dream of visiting Sphinx and the Pyramids, a place that i think every one must visite in his life.Thank you for making my dream reality.

Vasilis Mamais, Greece

Fantastic! thank you very much indeed

MirHamed Soreni




dark knight, Iran

Another amazing set of photos. Thank you for taking the time to write about the process! I found it fascinating.

Rob Antill, United Kingdom

This is great but you need to check the iPad and iPhone versions -- both give errors when you load them.

Maria Langer, USA

Imagens espetaculares!!!
Congratulations from Curitiba - Brazil

Luiz Gonzaga de Campos, Brazil

feel like I'm in Egypt.

Morteza Kanani, Iran

shooting panos is sometimes dangerous, keep doing your job and don´t be scared of Transformers :)

Slavek Tauterman, Czech Republic

once again you have proved that you are the ultimate panorama masters of the world! keep up the good work and thanks for sharing behind the scenes so we can get an idea how it was made

Mate Ski, Finland