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World / South America / Venezuela / Dragon and Cortina falls, Venezuela

Dragon and Cortina falls, Venezuela

In May of 2011 Dima Moiseenko left for Venezuela to shoot the highest waterfall in the world — the Angel Falls. The shooting took two days and was very complicated both in its technical aspect and because of the weather. Dima shot the Angel Falls itself, a few neighboring waterfalls in tepuys and spheres over the gold mines on his way back. Now we represent the first part of the shooting — a virtual tour in Venezuela over the Angel Falls' surroundings, the Dragon and Cortina Falls as well as over the gold mines.

And now the author tells:

Several years long we have been shooting the aerial panoramas of the world's most famous and extraordinary waterfalls: the Iguazú in Brazil and Argentina, the Victoria in Zambia and Zimbabwe, the Black waterfall in Iceland...

And, of course, when I had got an opportunity to buy the tickets to Venezuela, to Margarita Island (the Mecca for windsurfers and kiters), at low fare, Salto Angel (the Angel Falls) became the place where easy to get to. And the fact that it's the Highest in the World is evident!

The total height of the waterfall is 979 meters and the altitude of the endless water fall is 807 meters. The fall altitude is so high that before reaching the ground water sprays with the tiny drops and changes into a fog.

It's worth to mention that Venezuela is a unique country. In addition to Hugo Chávez and oil prices (an off-road vehicle's tank full of gasoline will cost approx. USD 3.30) there are tepuys.

Tepuys are a kind of the strange view mountains with the flat tops and famous all over the world as "table top mountains" (perhaps, because they are flat like a table). Just imagine: in deep jungle there are 1 kilometer high rocks with the vertical walls and flat tops. That is why water accumulates there after every single rain and then falls down changing into numerous waterfalls. The Angel Falls is just one of them but with the highest altitude of water fall which is almost 1 kilometer. From the same Auyantepui Mountain the more full-flowing rivers fall down but the altitude of their vertical fall is maximum 200-300 meters.

Dragon Falls, Venezuela

At the same time there is a problem: in a hot, dry season the Angel Falls changes into a thin water stream and in a rainy season vice versa — into a real waterfall. But the weather is so changeable there that watching after the Angel for a month it might be hard to view and enjoy all its beauty...

This season is dry but I was told that it had recently rained and I had a chance to see the real waterfall. I couldn't afford to waste time!

Right near the waterfall (in the Canaima National Park) there are no charter helicopters but only small light jets.  For that reason since the first day of my staying on Margarita Island I had been trying to find any. The Angel Falls is located in the wild nature of Venezuela and it is reachable only by air or river. On the third day of my staying I found the telephone number of a company which deals with the gold mines and has a Bell-206 helicopter in its fleet. It is situated 100 miles from the waterfall. And for dear Russian friends it's absolutely possible to supply the machine for visiting the waterfall in the morning.

Well, just to get there from Margarita Island I had to change two airplanes, cross the Orinoco River and then 8 hours long drive...

On the first day we flew up at 7 a.m. and at 8:15 were standing at the Angel's foot. The helicopter landed near a camp which is a start point for the walking tours to the waterfall. Falling 1 kilometer down, water changes into spray and on the ground there is a cloud of water fog and the river appears from nowhere which then flows down...

We take off the helicopter doors there. The machine was ready to start up but the whole sky over the Auyantepui Mountain, from which the Angel flows, was covered with clouds although the waterfall itself was freely viewed.

I decided to fly up and wait there. It was hard to find a pad to land among plenty of rocks covering the table mountain top. Aside the waterfall from time to time during the hour the sky became partly blue but then again was covered with clouds.

Unexpectedly, in five minutes a cloud appeared from below and we were standing in a thick fog that moment. Several hours long the fog was so thick that a pilot refused not only to shoot but he even didn't think of flying up. We got stuck on the mountain top...

Finally, by the noon the sky seemed us blue in the valley and we flew up. We found a gap and flew down to the camp. After we had landed and had been ready to put the doors back, the waterfall, as if it was jeering at us, can be viewed again!

Though the clouds over the Auyantepui Mountain had still been existing, I decided to shoot spheres at current light. As a result, the first day photos, had been shot from every planned point, were successful although without sunlight but with parts of clouds and fog.  

In the evening I stitched the panoramas' previews but I still had no feeling of the job done.

On the second day I decided to visit the Angel again. That day we started our flight from the miners' village named "88 km". It is located 1 flight hour from the waterfall.

The sky was gloomy but nobody knew what the weather was like 90 miles far from there, near the waterfall. At 8 a.m., when we arrived near the camp, the waterfall wasn't seen at all. Even the Auyantepui's wall was completely covered with the clouds which were appearing from nowhere

At 10 a.m. we were able to see a half of the waterfall, at 11 the top appeared. I thought it would be a good idea to shoot the waterfall with a cloud in the middle of it and ordered to fly up.

I left the second camera down, on the tripod with a teleobjective, in order to shoot the helicopter against a background of the Angel.

The camera was programmed to shoot the waterfall automatically with 5 seconds intervals. 

Dragon Falls, Venezuela

The sky was grey above us. While we were flying up and coming closer to the waterfall, the top was disappeared in the fog again... But, anyway, I made the sphere... Going the second circle I felt something wrong with the camera. Indeed, the shutter was failed. We had to fly down, change the camera and ... wait again.

Suddenly, the sky began to clarify and by 12:30 almost the whole sky became blue except of the Angel and the Auyantepui Mountain's tops as if it was Murthy's Law. Then I decided to shoot at least the neighboring waterfalls. We flew around very beautiful waterfall with a scary name Dragon which is 300 meters high and then directed to the Salto Cortina with two cascades of 200 meters high each one. And from that place I saw that the cloud was leaving the Angel's top. We fast returned.  In a couple of minutes the haze disappeared and I began to shoot the Angel form its top. 

At 1 p.m. only the very top was lighted when the bottom was in shadow. It lasted 15 minutes. I was able to fly down 800 meters from the very top, along the stream, till the foot and shot about a dozen of spheres until the fog appeared again.  Being on the ground, in the camp, while the pilot was putting the helicopter door on, I turned and saw a next cloud completely covered the waterfall... That was the way the nature favored us with a quarter of an hour for two days!

On our way back we flew over the gold mines. After some arrangements with the pilot he, finally, agreed for a small fee to fly around the mines with the helicopter door off although let me know beforehand that we could be at gun sight if somebody saw a cameraman. 

Either the gold miners were tired due to the hot weather (40 grades above zero) in wet jungles or the rain accompanied with a rainbow forced them go, anyway, nobody paid us attention and we safely returned to the base.  

That was the end of our complicated shooting of the Angel Falls — the highest waterfall in the world.

Written and shot by Dmitry Moiseenko

23 August 2011


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Antonetta Macredie, Italy



Nice,nice,nice. Thank you for all Panoramas of the world.
You are the best !

Violeta Grigorova, Bulgaria

en Idioma Pemon el Nombre de la catarata es: Keretakupai Vena

Pedro Fidel, Venezuela


ABEL ZENEB, Ethiopia

"Einfach fantastisch! Was kann man da noch mehr sagen?"

Antonio Hitcher, Venezuela


yang seang bok, Korea


yang seang bok, Korea

It seems not only amazing but incredible that one can view such scenery from around the world thanks to this sharing technology

ramiro sanchez, Bolivia

My father would fly us over to Canaima and fly around "Angel Falls" I used to see Jimmy Angel's plane there. I understand they have removed it. My father also "sponsored" the first man to reach Jimmy's plane by dropping food supplies to him as he couldn't carry all he needed in his climb up. We had a copy of the letter Jimmy left in the plane for the first person to reach it. I had an amazing childhood seeing all this beauty at a young age. It is true, that to find it not covered by clouds was hard. Thanks for bringing back to me and others. It's so nice it is still wild and not commercialized!

Beverly Borja Fessenden, USA

My brother recommended I might like this web site. He was entirely right. This post actually made my day. You cann't imagine simply how much time I had spent for this information! Thanks!

Eddie Stralia, Austria

Unspeakably beautiful

Jeanne Rousson, Canada

Awesome! Nice work! Thanks

Eugene Hristov, Bulgaria

Me di el lujo de bañarme en sus aguas, al final de su caída, la cual parece una regadera. Por donde baja el maravilloso salto se llama "LA GARGANTA DEL DIABLO" es muy impresionante, de igual forma permanecí quince días rescatando la Avioneta de Jimmy Crawford Ángel, volábamos en un helicóptero UH y al llegar al tope, descendíamos hasta el pie del salto, es algo mas que impresionante. Invito a todos los exploradores, científicos etc. que visiten a nuestro golpeado país. Pero no por eso deja de tener sus bellezas. Juan Enrique Laurentin Rojas. Valencia, Venezuela.


Heel mooie beelden van verschillende plaatsen in de wereld.Many beauty Pictures of places in the
world.Plussieurs belles images de notre Planet.
Sehr schöne Bilder von unsere Erde;
Jos Gouwy Turnhout Belgium

jos gouwy, Belgium

Very well done. Thank you for sharing this beautiful pictures with us.

Madduma Ratnayake, United Kingdom


allusse mickael, Thailand

gracias, por mostrar la belleza de nuestro país. Dios te bendiga

juan trejo, Venezuela

einfach nur wunder-wunder-wunderschöne Aufnahmen!!!

Rainer Karau, Germany





واقعا عالی

aa aaa, Iran

What a fascinating account of photographing the Angel Falls ! I wish I were there for this experience.

Alexis Gilani, India

I can't believe how absolutely beautiful this is!
Congrats on an almost impossible task.

Nan Thompson, USA

wonderful, is breathtaking

Anton Lebar, Slovenia

Einfach fantastisch! Was kann man da noch mehr sagen?

Georg von Tiesenhausen, Germany

Some years ago we took a flight in a small plane from Isla Margarita to Kavak, a small village near Angel Falls. Arriving, we flew over the tepui but the Falls were fogged-in. Landing,w e trekked up the river to a grotto, then back for lunch of mystery-meat (monkey?). We flew over the now-clear Falls, the cowboy pilot giving us a close-up view of the Falls. There are several other falls from neighboring tepuis, one that never touched the ground but blew sidways onto the smooth rock face, sheeting down. It was an unforgetable trip!

Fred Whitaker, USA


Silvester Mifsud, Malta

Prachtig! Wij hebben zelf mogen beleven de waterval te zien. Met bootjes door de jungle, slapen in hangmatten, en dan wandelen tot aan de voet van de waterval. geweldig met een bulderend geweld stort ze naar beneden, word er nog weemoedig van. Zou dit nog wel eens over willen doen.

Diana Claassen, Belgium

The landscape is absolutly stunning and the music is also perfect for these images. The music is composed and played by Gheorghe Zamfir - The King Of The Pan Flute from Romania

Catalin Marian, Romania

The pitchers taken in your gallery are the sharpest in definition, color, and lighting I had ever seen.

Ken Smith, USA

I like the way it is published

Narendra Thaker, India




Richard Walters, USA


ben smit, Netherlands


Selva raja, Malaysia

thanks so much good.

ibrahim mohamadi, Iran

Why we are killing our so beautiful world? Maybe not everybody, but businesmen. As the population of the Earth we have to stop them before it's too late. Music is also beautiful. Congratulations to the producers of this film.

Les Samborski, Canada

its briliant work and very impressive good visuals and music

mohammed abdul rahman, Saudi Arabia

What a wonderfull site...

Agus Taufik, Indonesia

its so very intresting nd beautiful site bcoz clear i see to any amazing place and temples...

mihir parekh, India

Guyana has the highest water fall Kaieteur Falls 823

Nandy Persaud, Guyana

congratulaton Photographer for this master piece shooting weldone immortal

khalid mahmud, Pakistan

My God real paradise on earth im completely mesmerised by this nature glamour climax.a marvelous gift for nature lovers.

khalid mahmud, Pakistan

you don't make it clear as to why the all that falling water does not collect at the bottom to form a river. I understand it vaporizes , but not that much , similar to what we call rain.

wynn hammer, USA

I can only thank the team for supplying such a wonderful presentation

Ray Hosegood, United Kingdom

lindisimo es un espectáculo

blandina fernandes, Portugal

its too good.. thanks guys for creating this... loved the background music and the visuals.... very very good !

Raju Hira, Hong Kong

Wunderschön, ganz lieben Dank.

Susanne Hinrichsen, Germany

Stunning, Awesome, Beautiful! My first remembrance of Angel Falls was seeing it in the 1960 movie, "The Lost World," which had aeriel photography looking down at the falls and surrounding area. It's primitive beauty mesmerized me then and still does every time I see it now, more than 50 years later.

Thank you so much for making this magnificent part of God's creation available to the general public to see on such a grand scale.

God bless you!

Christopher Fry, USA

Back in the late forties while we were living in Costa Rica, some friends had Jimmie Angel visiting them. We were invited to lunch and met him. I was too young to appreciate this adventurer and what he had discovered. I will always treasure that memory and today I got to visit his falls, thanks to you!

bunny mills, USA

Me tiene maravillada... que lindo

Teresa de la Coromoto Fiore Pulido, Mexico



How beautiful is my country! I am proud of my country. This beautiful fall is not only the unique natural beauty we have here. You are very good photographer! Not everyone can take a good picture of our Angel Falls without much fog. Greetings from Venezuela.

Maria Bolivar, Venezuela

very impressive

kalpana tendulkar, India

Magical, awesome!
With much appreciation from an armchair traveller

Moonchan Lai, Malaysia

The photography was spectacular, the presentation flawless and the the script fit for Hollywood, but the writeup was horrific, get a professional writer.

Vince Taddeo, Canada



Loved this video. I can only dream of seeing a place like this. Thank you for the film.

john brewer, USA

I do not want to know how u did it - it will, perhaps, spoil the fun one has just watching the Laptop Screen! Words fail me to express my immense appreciation of what you did gto entertain US!

Karlheinz Schneider, South Africa

Spectacular, its almost like being right there; when I visited Aruba I wanted to visit Venezuela; hopefully soon I shall. Thank you for sharing.

Marlene Crouchman, Canada

My next trip to Maracaibo will include a visit to Angel Falls with my friend Eduardo and his family. The virtual tour is spectacular.

Stan Quarles, USA

I have always wanted to visit Angel Falls, now I feel like I have been there and probably had the best possible view. Incredible....as soon as I wipe the mist off my face I will continue on. LH

Laura Hall, USA

Wow. The pictures are fantastic. The music I just want to shut my eyes and immagine what you saw, or just immagine what the music says to me. Thank you for this wonderful sight.

Brenda Philpot, USA

I consider your presentation as a Masterpiece.
(Colosal, impreionate e dificil de igualar).

Agustin Acevedo, Puerto Rico

It's a miraculous,as country side and a fantastic accomplishement as an artisiical photography. I'm impressed.

Arshak Kazandjian, USA

Excellent work . Appreciated .
Mehmet Karakas

Mehmet Karakas, Turkey

i love this a good panorama

manoj shahu, India

Brilliant work.You have God gifted Talent.A hug from your Indian friend.keep it up!you have made an opportunities to view the wonderful world of creation of God through your 360 degree photography.God bless you. Thank you.

somnath chattopadhyay, India

what a marvellous piece of work!So many folk around the world can enjoy these 'beauties' of nature.....thanks to you!

elaine menezes, India

wonderfall, atlast my dream of somebody doing this kind of tour photography has come real! and with pleasing music VERY GOOD keep it up; there are many interesting places in INDIA - a mini continent of diverse cultures and topography- so much- you will never be able cover all of it WELL COME TO INDIA, you are getting rave reviews from all corners of the World, All are grate full to you!

Rashid Dadla, India

We appreciate your attention. Thanks!

Varvara, AirPano


adam mohammed, Trinidad and Tobago

I worked on a movie called "Arachnophobia". We flew by Chopper to the top of the Falls each day to film on a Plateau...What a great experience to see the Falls each day . Sometimes the Falls coming down into a fog base....Other times falling out of the clouds.

Chuck Waters, USA

Could you arrange to send Hugo Chavez for a ride in a light duty barrell over the falls?

Hank Bahmer, USA


akshay bhatt, India

Need your Co-Operation

Tarique Farid, Bangladesh

How marvelous to see the Angel & Dragon Falls so close! I was visiting a friend in Caracas Aug. 1969 & we took a weekend trip there flying a DC 3 not very close but able to see the Falls. We landed on a dirt strip & had a delightful time at the open air & basic camp run by Russians (great food). Jungle Rudy took us out on the Rio Cario, such pure & clean water,tea brown. He would take groups overland to the Angel Falls base. I wonder what has happened to him. He was fasinating & personable.

Jay matsler, USA

Many thanks for your message! It's rather informative.

Varvara, AirPano

Guau!!!! the best program I have ever used!!!!
All the views are wonderful!!
Thanks for doing this!!
There are some paradises that I had never seen before!

Lucía García

Thanks! You are always invited here.

Varvara, AirPano

I thank God for the Maginificent & Lovely scene but most of all I Thank God for Creating you. Your creativity ideas has allow millions out there to view God's creation without even flying there.Thanks A Million To You, I really appreciate and enjoyed your effort... May God Bless You Always Brother.I Love You..Long Live Anna, Airpanno

Maureen Tan, Malaysia

gorgeous, music perfect match to this place.

Justyna Zaw, Poland

Thank you Dimitry. Brought back treasured memories of a lovely week-end my wife and I spent at the Camp Canaima in Feb. 1963. We were in a commercial DC-3 flown by Avensa; the pilot flew mid-level across Angel Falls to give everyone on both sides of the plane a good view...also flew over the top of Auyantepui, and saw Jimmy Angels plane where he landed and had to leave it. Good accomodations at the camp. Thanks again.

peter & julia forkgen, USA

Mesmerizing and fantastic

Reeti Biswas, India

Terrific.Wish I could go there.

Gamini Abayakoon, Sri Lanka

Upon seeing my first photograph of Angel Falls six months ago, I immediately put the destination on my must see dream list. This Surroundings of Angel Falls panorama together with the Angel Falls panorama have left me breathless. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your incredible photography.

Wanda Kempa, Canada

thanks so much good video good music anythings as angel fall in my home in my mind GOD belss you

hedayat akbari, Iran

How I wish to be present at this site!!!!


srinivasan Rajan, India

If you have some works, which you are proud of, send us them.

Varvara, AirPano

Thank you for making it possible for me to view all the beautiful breathtaking wonders of this world as l know l will never have the finance or opportunity to see these places in person. God bless u!

peggy lua, Malaysia

Dear photographer, we would like to print your picture in our magazine.. please contakt us if you are interrested.

Best regards,



Gabrielle Baas, Netherlands

Dear Gabrielle, what picture you would like to print in your magazine? What size are you going to print? The price for the image depends on your answers.

Varvara, AirPano

wow wonderfull fentastic amazing super beautifull

Rathnakaram ranga raju

This is pure magic!

rex sanford, USA


william stuart, United Kingdom

el salto angel sssssssssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

cesar augusto, Venezuela

Powerful imagery! ¡Qué imágenes tan poderosas! Tanto lo hermoso como lo trágico, con el contraste que hacen los saltos con los campos de oro. No vuelvo a comprar nada de oro! El peladero tan horrible que crean nuestras argoyas y sortijas!

Mark Poehner, Colombia

Next time,let me now,be cause y wonna be there with you making another amaizing work like this one.Congratulations.I was there several times and is realy magic,but from this side is very nice too thanks

jesus valera, Venezuela

Thank you for the comment, Jesus.

Varvara, AirPano

Simplemente espectacular, un colirio para la vista y un relax a los sentidos mis felicitaciones....



jayaraman. sivaramakrishnan

Impresionante. No tengo palabras.
Me gustaría saber el nombre de la banda sonora. Supongo que es una melodía popular venezolana.
Es bellísima. Las imágenes junto con la melodía forman un conjunto perfecto.

Eva Prado, Spain

¡Gracias por este regalo!, lograste mostrar el Salto Ángel desde un ángulo que no había visto. Nunca pensé que tuviera forma de herradura. ¡Ojalá logremos que se convierta en una de las maravillas del mundo este año, hay que cuidar y preservar las bellezas y recursos naturales. Y creo que tu trabajo puede contribuir con eso, saludos desde Caracas

Flor Herrera, Venezuela

Thanks a lot for the message left. If you are able, please, leave your comments in English.

Varvara, AirPano

great, just a really amazing work, people like you move the world, thanks

olga espino, Spain

Thank nature has given our boundless imagination

兴华 温, China

I visited Angel Falls in 2010; 7 hours by dug out Canoe along the river from Canaima. Climbed up to the base of the falls through the humid jungle. Luckily weather was great from time to time. In Canaima there are 3 wide falls where one could walk behind two of them with an enormous curtain of water in front of you. Canaima Lagoon too is beautiful with unusual reddish coloured water.
Thanks for the lovely presentation. Otlichno!

Chandra Wijayatilake, Sri Lanka

We are grateful for your message and appreciate your interest in this pano.

Varvara, AirPano

Gracias a mi amiga Ruth Rey de Barquisimeto (Venezuela), que me lo ha enviado, he podido disfrutar de su excelente trabajo y del maravilloso espectáculo que es ver el Salto del Angel como si uno estuviera allí. Wonderful.¡¡

DOMENECH Pedro, Spain


jaswinder kaur, India

perggghhhh!!!wat a amazing viewww....

Razelan Zainal, Malaysia

this site never stops to impress me!! just an amazing breathtaking view...


Richard T, Canada

Thank you for your frank and kind comment.

Varvara, AirPano

It´s beautiful my country, and you did an excellent job by taking those pictures and making it as a Virtual Tour. This is a great way to see the beauty of the planet for the people that doesn´t have the money to travel. Congratulations.

Diana S, Venezuela

Thank you, Diana. You are right, one of the purpose of this project is to help people travel sitting at home. Because the world around us is so beautiful!

Varvara, AirPano

Oh,Very very Goooo~d!

Lee Jong Cheol

oh may god. very nice:)

mohammad saeidi, Iran

Great ! i hope to visit this beautiful country soon. well done!

shahram safari, Iran

thanks... I enjoyed It...

farzad rashed, Iran


Forohar homayoun Iranbahar, Iran


mohamad rezaei, Iran

Perfection really exist..I've had the privilege to wacth your OUTSTANDING JOB and to live in this beautiful country...Thank you for appreciate our CHURUN MERU Y KEREPAKUPAI MERU ... I advice you to DELETE AND FORGET the name ANGEL FALLs...WHEN YOU FIND OUT THE real history of IT you will be proud to call our MERU by its real names.

Militza RANGEL, Venezuela

Very nice.Thanks

Ahmed H, Iran

Thank you so much for the marvelous and fantastic views. The only way that I could apreciate the wonders of Venezuela without actually visit the place.

Ivette Cruz, Puerto Rico

It gives us pleasure to know that you like this pano.

Varvara, AirPano

Gracias, por ese espectacular paseo por esa tierra maravillosa, es digno que todos los venezolanos pisemos y caminemos por ese paraiso para sentirnos orgullosos de tanta belleza natural y primogenita que poseemos!

Florencio Torres A., Venezuela

Panorama ist Wunder schoen.

Mohssen Zalami, Germany

Absolutely wonderful, beautiful country.

Bettina Goos, Netherlands

Oh My God,The Raelly Dream. . .

Ehsan Pishbaz, Iran

Simply wonderfull photos. Thanks for bring and show us our own landscapes.Congratulations,every one of you had made an incredible work.I live in Venezuela and never saw this landscapes in this way.Thanks a lot!!!!!!

Luis Chapeta, Venezuela

You are welcome!

Varvara, AirPano

Venezuela, ¿qué es Venezuela? Sin dudas, una tierra mágica ancestral y el ombligo del mundo: La Estrella del Sur. Tantos ecosistemas naturales de los que tenemos y que muchas veces ni los mismos venezolanos conocemos, por políticas anteriores que nos habían cerrado los ojos a nuestras propias realidades. Hasta Hollywood ha sacado mucho provecho de nuestros entornos naturales, sin embargo, casi nunca dicen que han filmado sus pelis en este hermoso pais lleno de riquezas. La tecnología con la que se han creado estas panorámicas 3d interactivas, es necesario colocarlas en manos de las comunidades, no sólo para resaltar nuestras riquezas naturales, sino para registrar y divulgar lugares históricos trascendentales en nuestra hermosa patria. Como me gustaría ver así a mi pueblo histórico, San Mateo Edo. Aragua, la verdadera cuna de El Libertador Simón Bolívar. ¿Será que algún este pueblo, San Mateo Edo. Aragua, será reconocido como el verdadero lugar de nacimiento de nuestro Libertador?. Es necesaria la concientización de la preservación de los entornos naturales, no hay un mañana en un planeta tan contaminado... ¿Thanks to we friends of Venezuela for this very goog job!

Heler Godoy

Heler Godoy, Venezuela

Es una leccion universitaria ;) gracias por el comentario!

Varvara, AirPano

Wow !!!
very nice...
your link : www.robin.mihanblog.com

Morteza Fallah, Iran

very goOod

behnam H, Iran

Estuve en ese lugar hace varios años y al ver esas fotos senti gran nostalgia. En verdad estan excelentes. Gracias por publicarlas

Jose Castilla, Venezuela

Excelente....se cumple el dicho..Una imagen dice más que mil palabras........Los felicito!!!!!!

Jesus Reina, Venezuela

Congratulations Dmitry for this extraordinary job.
Really amazing!!!!...This is a part of the amazone that belongs to Venezuela...The rainforest as you can see, is also being destroying for the human been in order to get the gold hidden in this extraordinary part of the earth. As a venezuelan citizen I feel very happy to see the falls, but no the mines gold installed in there.

Miriam Buges, Venezuela

gran verga, yo hago un trabajo mejor....

jose angulo, Venezuela

Wonderful job, i'm venezuelan and i proud of country natural beauties.

Eduardo Maita, Venezuela

Como venezolano me siento muy orgulloso de tan facinante trabajo audiovisual, ya que se enseña al mundo nuestras maravillas. Mil felicitaciones.


Mushas gracias! We appreciate your kind attention.

Varvara, AirPano

Sr Sosa disculpe.Creo que la primera diapositiva 3D si es el Salto Ángel o el Kerepakupai Meru. En las demás, si nos fijamos bien se observa el salto de nuevo al fondo de las mismas.

Beatriz Pérez Noguera, Venezuela

Me lleno de emoción por tan maravillosa creación de la naturaleza que injustificadamente aún no ha sido catalogada entre las siete maravillas del mundo.Siento verguenza, pero reconozco públicamente como venezolana, que no conozco aún en persona ese enigmático lugar.De igual manera, desapruebo como ciudadana y con mucha tristeza, el daño irreversible que la cultura del oro ha ocasionado a esa parte del Amazonas venezolano y que se extiende junto a todo tipo de explotaciones suicidas a través del territorio amazónico de este continente Suramericano, pulmón del planeta!!! Que Dios bendiga y llene de luz, a quienes realizaron de manera tan mágica este valioso trabajo audiovisual.

Beatriz Pérez Noguera, Venezuela

Dear Beatriz, thank you very much for your detailed opinion! It gives us pleasure to have such visitors like you. We are grateful for all the wishes you made and we wish you all the best too.

Varvara, AirPano

Extasiado de tanta belleza que aún no conozco en mi querido País, pero mil gracias a Dios por bendecirnos con este espectacular paisaje y a quienes lo hicieron posible a través de este excelente trabajo. Me siento cada vez mas orgulloso de ser VENEZOLANO

Félix Alexander Valero Useche, Venezuela

This way Russians help Venezuelans feel proud of their motherland ;) Well, we are happy about this fact! Best regards.

Varvara, AirPano

Ese no es el Salto Ángel, ese es el Churun Meru que queda al final del auyantepuy! El salto Ángel se encuentra de un lado, y se llama Kerepakupai Meru ! That is not the Angel Falls!

José Sosa, Venezuela

Dear José, this tour is called "Surroundings of Angel Falls". Angel Falls itself you can find here - http://icute.app/360Degree-VirtualTour.php?3D=Angel-Waterfall-Venezuela

Varvara, AirPano

excelente trabajo una dedicacion de horas gracias a los fotografos por ese tremendo trabajo una verdadera obra de arte la fotografia amen del paisaje

Tony Guevara, Venezuela

Sin palabras... supiste palpar la grandeza del salto... Como Venezolano te doy las gracias por ser ese canal que multiplica la belleza de nuestro pais!! Es un excelente trabajo!!!

Luis Gutierrez, Venezuela

Maravilloso trabajo, ademas de profesionalismo se nota un inmenso amor por la naturaleza. Gracias de todo corazon como venezolano por dar a conocer al mundo estas maravillas que tenemos aca

Francisco Bautista, Venezuela

Your comment is very kind, thank you! Using our site, you can also view another beautiful places of our planet, if you wish, of course. Suerte!

Varvara, AirPano

Excelente trabajo, las fotos estan espectaculares

Edgar López, Venezuela

wow!!.. wonderful... maravilloso, Dios es bueno en dar esa hermosa naturaleza a los venezolanos!!.. Felicito a los fotógrafos que dedicaron su trabajo a estas hermosas fotos, great picture, I congratulate!!

Mariana Lamoutte, Venezuela

Before I had read the description or headers for all of the videos, I wondered aloud at how much gold might be at the base of the waterfall. Then I saw the goldfields. It was enough to make me sick.
All for shiny little rocks.

Jack Aldworth, USA

Amazing...i am speechless,thank you for taking me there!


What fantastic captures of these beautiful lush green scenery.

kombizz kashani, USA

Nothing in this World is amazing than GOD's Own creations in the Earth !!

Chellamma Vidyadharan, India

Very very Good Job..!!  That´s not easy..  a quarter of an hour for two days! and besides, dangerous.. «Señaló que el piloto del Bell Long Ranger fue identificado como Henry Francisco Viana Arias, mientras que los turistas que iban a bordo eran Adriana Recao, Carlos Garmendia, Alvaro Trayer y Gerardo Barreto.» > http://www.noticiasdiarias.informe25.com/2012/01/confirman-muerte-de-ocupantes-de.html< Congrats..!!

Jose Antonio, Venezuela

It's nice to hear that, thank you!

Varvara, AirPano


Wania DM, USA

Fantastic work, I love those waterfalls, and now I love your photos

Luis Rios, Spain

We aprreciate your attention!

Varvara, AirPano

Estuve ahí hace unos cuantos años y siempre he quedado enamorado de este lugar y de Venezuela en general,impresionante...

Carlos Sierra, Spain


John Reeves, United Kingdom

It's really wonder. Thank you very much.

dhanakoti rao, India

so awesome! Thank you for pursuing your passion and sharing it with us! awesome!

Kelsey Escoto, USA

Çok güzel bir çalışma, elinize sağlık ve teşekkür ederim!

Nuray Tuncay, Turkey

Good job. Venezuela is beautiful. Keep up the good work.

Daniel Araneda

Féérie d'un panorama millénaire jusqu'alors réservé à quelques très rares privilégiés ! Merci Dimitri ! J'ai pu monter au Roraïma mais je rêve du Churum Meru (nom indigène du Salto Angel) ! A signaler qu'en Guadeloupe sur la Basse-Terre (qui est la plus haute !) avec le volcan la Soufrière il y a des chutes d'eau partout, moins hautes mais très belles à immortaliser d'en haut...et n'es-tu pas le magicien de la photo??? Encore Merci! PS: tambien soy venezolana and very proud of!

Cécile Stredel, France

Viendo esta joya de trabajo y ya fuera de lo espectacular ,no puedo dejar pasar esta oportunidad para expresarte mis respetos y admiracion al palpar la pasion con el que ha sido desarollado eres sin duda al margen de lo profesional un ser magnifico. BRAVO.......

andres naveda, Spain

Tus palabras son muy amenas. Gracias y suerte!

Varvara, AirPano

Por una vez sobre la tierra,
Acerquémonos a los labertintos del agua,
Entre las alfombras de los tepuyes,
Y oir el sonido del silencio.

Sería un atardecer fragante,
Sin prisa,sin ansiedad,
en una inquietud instántanea.

Grata la voz del agua,
Grata la persisencia del aire,
Grata la soledad que no conocemos,
Grata la tarde,
Grata la mañana,
Grata la noche,
en ese exquisito panorama milenario

Luis Florez, Venezuela

Great photography of Angel Falls. Two days to shoot but worth it, right? The Philippines has around 200 waterfalls, although the US has more. Perhaps, someday, you can take photos of the waterfalls in that Far Eastern country.

hill roberts, Spain

A new tour, dedicated to Icelandic waterfalls, is coming soon. The number of waterfalls in Iceland is even more than both in the USA and Philippins. In Iceland there is a proverb: "oh, it is another one fucking waterfall!"

Varvara, AirPano

you did a great work. my compliments for the site too!


Wunderschön! Danke!

Walter Vogel, Germany

Go ahead with your excellent work. It is a pleasure to be able to see it.

Jhon Langa, Spain

Maravillosa, Fascinante, Espectacular... Me quedo sin aliento al ver todas esas fotos maravillosas de mi país Venezuela, mi tierra natal Puerto Ordaz! y sentir toda esa mezcla de sangre Africana, India y Blanca correr por nuestras venas! Excelente trabajo y Excelentes Imágenes!

Oswglad Rengel, Venezuela

Thanks for your emotional comment! We kindly ask you to leave the message in English next time.


Really impressive !

I run a WEB-site with pictures of Venezuela (turpial.org) and put a link to your Angel Falls Panorama just on the starting-page :-)

Ray Radloff, Venezuela

Really impressive !

I run a WEB-site with pictures of Venezuela (turpial.org) and put a link to your Angel Falls Panorama just on the starting-page :-)

Ray Radloff, Venezuela

All comments above say it: EXCELENT PHOTOGRAFIC WORK. You can see the ecological disaster that the gold miners did and are doing to this nature reservoir and worldwide oxigen source. Everybody must demand it!

Jaime Rever&243n, Venezuela

Extraordinario trabajo!!!! Sobrevolé varias veces el Salto Angel y las Minas de San Salvador de Paul pero nunca pude apreciar esta maravilla con tanto detalle. Muy logrado. Felicitaciones!!!!

Miguel Angel Ferrer, Spain

Beautiful, and the music background is brilliant.
Where can I get a copy of this music composition or on what CD is it available?

Many thanks, really delightful.

Best regards for 2012

Peter Bond, United Kingdom

Thanks, Peter! This is James Last - «The Lonely Shepherd».


Que bella es nuestra tierra Venezuela gracias a estas personas que dedicaron tiempo y asi nos puedan conocer,doy gtacias a DIOS por bendecir estas tierras con tanta belleza

jose varela, Venezuela

Im vary Hapy to see sit
Thnks for any work.

seyed ja, Iran

très magnifique

rasoul zabihi

hi how we can download your 360?
please answer me

m mn, India

Congratulations guys! beautiful work, keep it up! what a wonderful world! I feel more alive and more connected to nature every day! a hug from a Brazilian friend!

Patrick Nofx, Brazil

These are very nice 3D pictures and so creative.

Majid Khosravi

Excelente Work Dmitry. congratulation you have to come visit again, and finish the shoot the angel falls. the beter season for this job is en january. thanks for this spectacular job

Juan Peña

Fantastic!,beautyful image......

Szabo Bela Andrei

האתר ממש מהמם אין דברים כאלה ההשקעה להפעיל מסוק ולצלם פנורמי ותלת מימד חוויה שכאילו היתה נוכח במקום

Avi Hasan

Dios ha hecho cosas hermosas como nuestro Salto Angel para que le brindemos al mundo tanta belleza que se en vez de fotos quieran llevarse su imágen en las pupilas. Clara Delgado


Una vez más, un lugar maravilloso de la Naturaleza puesto al alcance de todos gracias a los medios tecnológicos actuales. Sencillamente: ¡espectacular! Como única pega: la música de fondo. Para este tipo de imágenes, quizás lo mejor es el propio ruido natural y el sonido del agua al caer.

Javier Millán

excelent work airpano, this is a wonderfull place the people need live and see thanks

pedro semidey

Brilliant! It's brilliant result that is beyond praise!

Carlos Chipuiz

Thanks for your words, Carlos!


Very, very well done!!

It is a place I would like to visit a day too. It is simply amazing place! And you did a great work with your airpano360, my compliments!
The site is also very well done! Bravo!

Mimi Pet


Olga ST

Charming nature and work of professionals change into a masterpiece like that. Fantastic!

Natalie Shneider

Es Maravilloso!

Natasha Acosta

This is great too!

Jennifer Miethke

Sehr, sehr schöne Seite mit toller Panoramaoptik! Toll gemacht, danke schön!

Karsten Grimnik


jucelito_keil@hotmail.com jucelito