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World / Europe / Russia / Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin on the Nerl River, Russia

Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin on the Nerl River, Russia


The idea to photograph The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl River, the famous monument of medieval Russia, was rather spontaneous. I heard in the news that the territory near Ryazan city was under the state of emergency: nearly 500 houses were flooded by the high water.

I already shot the Church of the Intercession from the air in 2010. I made a few calls asking my friends about how the flood affected Vladimir city. I received several promising images very quickly — the valley, which we crossed by foot last time was flooded up to the railroad tracks. Obviously, we had to move quickly. We had to go right away, before the water goes away. Having no boat in our fleet was a serious problem. My friends told me that it was practically impossible to hire a boat on location. I described all these challenges to my partner, Dima Moisseyenko, and asked him if he was ready to put aside his business (ladies and Facebook) and come with me to Vladimir city. Like a good boy scout, Dima was always prepared. The second "boy scout", prepared to take on challenges for the beautiful photo, was Denis Sinyakov, staff photographer of the Reuters agency.

 The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl River

It was decided to leave immediately to arrive by sunrise. We had to find a floatation device right away, so Dima ordered a boat online. They delivered his order an hour before our departure, which was about midnight. In 3,5 hours of driving a bad road and fighting drowsiness we found ourselves near Bogolyubovo railway station. It was dark and quiet at 4 o'clock in the morning. After several attempts to read the manual for our boat in the deem light of the streetlight, and the group brain storming, we finally assembled the boat. Than we hauled it over the railway tracks and put it in the water. While in a hurry, we completely forgot to break a bottle of Champaign during this Gala launch. Well, we didn't have it with us anyway.

As promised, there was a lot of water. The fog descended on the river and made it look like we were on an ocean shore: there was nothing but the water up to the horizon. The opposite shore was completely invisible. The moment we set to launch, a group of photographers appeared on the shore. They carried a lot of photo gear, even tripods, but they didn't have the main piece of equipment required to photograph the flood — a boat. They looked at our boat, sighed, and went on along the rail tracks, disappearing in the fog...Wasting no more time, we sailed away.

 The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl River

I will skip the details of our glorious voyage through the flooded forest first, then through the valleys and fields. I just want to mention that among three of us only Denis had waders, and that in ten minutes after volunteering to raw the boat, Dima confessed that he's never done it before.

After wondering through river channels for about an hour we saw a blurry silhouette of the Church. Right before the sunrise. The sun painted the sky and the water with such surreal colors that we almost forgot why we were there.

 The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl River

The guys grabbed their cameras and I took the paddles. Only the sound of their shutter clicks disturbed the silence for the following half an hour. Our photographers got so carried away, that only my threats to "misuse the paddles" made Dima focus on shooting aerial spherical panoramas, which you can see now in today's tour...

Photography and text by Stanislav Sedov and Dmitriy Moiseenko

 The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl River

The Church of the Intercession of the Holly Virgin on the Nerl River (1165 AC) near Bogolyubovo village is a greatest monument of Russian architecture. Being an important component of the White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, the Church belongs to the World Heritage of UNESCO. This remarkable Russian heritage attraction was built on the man-made hill, at the confluence of Nerl and Klyazma Rivers. The 5-meter deep foundation of the Church was especially designed to protect it from flood. The amazing fact: it took only one year to build this Church. The Life of Andrey Bogolyubsky says «This church is to by erected within one year and create home for monastics". This chronicle shows that the Church is related to the victorious campaign of Vladimir's army to Bulgarians, and to the death of Knyaz Andrey's son Izyaslav.

It is a miracle that the Church of the Intercession has survived to our days. At the end of 18th century the abbot of the Bogolyubsky monastery, under whose supervision the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was kept, decided to disassemble the building — it didn't bring any profit — because the monastery needed bricks to build a belfry. Fortunately, the abbot didn't have enough funds to commence the demolition. Unfortunately, original interior frescos were lost during its reconstruction in 1877.

Quote from "Drugoi Journal" blog: http://drugoi.livejournal.com/3722520.html

28 April 2012

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Add your review about "Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin on the Nerl River, Russia"

I would like to know the name of music

John Doe, Antarctica


佳 刘, China

Oh, yes... of course.... its so many questions...)) I agree with you.
Its just enigmatic Russian Soul there...!
Russians know very well what next words means.
“People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
Its well known poetry, but only at some places in our big world you can learn about those mattes really deep. That's what make Russians enigmatic...

Svetlana Walker, Russian Federation

Your excellent efforts sent me such glorifying and mystical emotions....good for the soul indeed!! Congratulations to you and to your team.

ildy roculan-vinas, USA

Eine wundervolle, beeindruckende Ansicht und eine bezaubernde Musik dazu! Danke, ich bin ganz hingerissen.

Irina Gorochova, Germany


christos papadopoulos, Greece

It was well worth your teams effort Amazing pictures !

Barbara Groenewegen, New Zealand

What a wonderful way to start the day, viewing these pictures.

Carolyn Baldwin, USA

Breathtaking picutres. Fantastic job done by the team. These picutres are a treat to our eyes.

Ushakiran Rao, India

Very nice pictures.

Abdul Mohsen, United Arab Emirates



sand moreinfo plz?

Darryl Turner, USA

I would add+++++ to 5 rating. Advanced by all means!

Elena Tarasova, Bahamas

Just Fantastic

Michael Leong, Australia

Tremendos lugares. Hermosos

Cristian Urso, Argentina


meisam میثم ghelichi قلیچی, Iran

I really exited to saw the videos

Ramayanam Padmaja, India

Hermosa vista ,con moderna tecnología, que nos hace vivir momentos de profunda belleza y nos permite viajar por lugares exóticos, y contactarnos,de alguna manera,com otros...en el tiempo y en el espacio distantes.GRACIAS!!

Martha Oliveri de Torres, Argentina

Muchas gracias por su comentario! Es muy insólito darse cuenta de que Rusia es un país exótico :) Pero entendemos que para un Argentino es así. Suerte!

Varvara, AirPano


红锦 林, China

Fabulosas fotografías y fabuloso programa que te permite ponerte en el lugar y admirar el paisaje.

Maria Lamo, Spain

Íó ÷òî òóò ñêàæåøü!
Îñòàåòñÿ òîëüêî ïîðàæàòüñÿ ãåíèàëüíîñòè ñòðîèòåëåé öåðêâè è ìàñòåðñòâó êîìàíäû Airpano.
Âàì â ñàìîì äåëå óäàëîñü ïîéìàòü äóõ òîãî ìåñòà.

PS. ß ïåðâûé ðàç áûë òàì 30 ëåò íàçàä. Ñåé÷àñ - êàê îïÿòü ïîáûâàë.

Ruslendingur ***, Iceland

ITS JUST AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!......

priya yeal, India

Wonderful place! Thank you for the perfect photos!

Norberto Teixeira, United Kingdom

I really like the song, I know the author's name, but not the song, and I would like to know. Can anyone help?

Carlo Selva, Spain

Dear Carlo, please read FAQ http://icute.app/FAQ.php?set_language=2

Varvara, AirPano

The view has been engrossing.

ramesh gandla, India


yi tan, China

Thank you for this unique pictures.

zofia gil, Canada


dhanakoti rao, India


pauline petznick, USA

Again, there are not enough words to describe the magnificant and mesmarizing beauty of your works.Thank you all for this sending. Also, your description of the church before and to the presnt time is very helpful in putting these pictures in perspecive. 5/3/2012

Ed Nelson, USA

Dear Ed, thank you for visiting us again. We are glad that you like our works and we are grateful for your attention and interest.

Varvara, AirPano

شما بهترین هستید دوستون دارم موفق و سربلن یاشید

میثم قلیچی

Dear visitor, please, write in English. This is the best way to understand you.

Varvara, AirPano

To jest tak piękne,że nie znajduję odpowiednich słów.

Renata Beza, Poland

More, more, more of classical Russian architecture! Rather heroic efforts to achieve such pictures. As always, enjoyed the stills and the explanations.

Meryl Wieder, USA

Es maravillosa la toma del paisaje, es acceder al cielo desde la tierra y a la tierra desde el cielo.

Eugenio Duque, Colombia

siete magnifici ed è dire poco!!!!! GRAZIE

franco girella, Italy

This is beautifully done.

Dan Beto, USA

Excellent pictures

Rana Roy, India