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World / North America / United States of America / Grand Canyon West, USA

Grand Canyon West, USA


The deepest canyon in the world is one of the most famous US tourist attractions. And it's respectively called the Grand Canyon of Colorado Plateau: "grand" means "big, magnificent, enormous, great" and so on and so forth. The Grand Canyon was added to the famous UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979. The list itself was created in 1972, which makes the Grand Canyon one of its first entries.

The width of the canyon ranges between 20 and 6 kilometers. However, there is one spot where it narrows down to 800 meters. As it narrows down, the walls pull closer together reaching 100 meters gap at the rock bottom.

The canyon has been in the making for 10 million years. 4 different geological eras of Earth are represented in the canyon. Underground forces pushed the Colorado River bed up, forcing the water to gradually cut into the plateau and wash out the canyon's soft rocks. This process is still active: the Colorado River washes out about half a million tons of rock a day, so that even the hardest granite walls of the canyon surrender about quarter of a millimeter each year to this "filing".

Grand Canyon

The canyon doesn't look like a long narrow hole in the ground at all. It's randomly filled with rocks and cliffs of different shapes: giant pagodas, pyramids, towers, fortified walls and other incredible formations made by nature... Having been thoroughly studied by modern scientists, and being the most famous US tourist attraction, the Grand Canyon receives a lot of visitors. Many of the Grand Canyon cliffs now have their own original names. Such as, Vishnu Temple, Shiva Temple, and Wotan's Throne.

Of course these names are fairly new. Native Americans knew about Grand Canyon thousands of years ago and probably gave those rocks different names. However there is no written evidence of it, only petroglyphs.

The modern human history knows two Grand Canyon discoveries: first one happened in 1540 when a group of Spanish soldiers stumbled upon it in their search for gold. Greedy Spaniards found no gold and no water there, and admiring Grand Canyon scenery wasn't in their plans, so they left and never mentioned this location. 

Grand Canyon

After this incident Europeans have forgotten about the canyon for several centuries. In 1869 professor John Wesley Powell organized first scientific expedition to Grand Canyon. Powell explored and described the canyon. By the way, another US tourist attraction was named after him — Lake Powell.

But let us go back to our canyons. Nowadays a trip to Grand Canyon is on top of the list for almost every tourist coming to the USA. And not so long ago (in the 1940th and 1950th) one could take a picture of the Grand Canyon without actually going there. The thing is that many passenger airlines, flying in this area, intentionally took a scenic route so their passengers could admire the view of the Grand Canyon. It was also common for pilots to make several circles and roll the plane to give the passengers the best view. This was permitted until the collision of 2 passenger aircrafts in 1956. Since then the "dancing" over the Grand Canyon has been prohibited.

Nevertheless, there are several other options for those who want to see the Grand Canyon landscapes: you can take a trip to the USA; or you can enjoy our virtual aerial photo tour. The length of the Grand Canyon is about 450 kilometers. Earlier we published the aerial panoramas' shot at the beginning of the Grand Canyon (link to the Horseshoe), and now we would like to show the West end of the Grand Canyon — which is approximately 100 kilometers from Las Vegas. Let's see!

Grand Canyon

Photography by Dmitry Moiseenko

16 May 2012

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What is the location of the Grand Canyon

Zahir Abradgbh, Latvia

so ccccccccccccccoooooooooooooollllllllllllllllll

Mya Lathan, Costa Rica

Sooooooooo nice its really be succid I love it and I love u for this photos wooooooow Im good filing in this time really perfect dont be tired

Majid Zhaleh, Iran

I am a decendent of John Wesley Powell.My sister-in-law is on her way to spread my brothers ashes at the John Wesley Powell Memorial.I will probably never afford get to the Grand Canyon.i can feel a part of this. Your video is beautiful.Thanks for the tour.

Joyce Douglas, USA

Para que vean lo que es UN SÚPER CAÑÓN, vengan acá al PERÚ, a ABANCAY - APURÍMAC, y visiten lo que es EL CAÑÓN DEL RÍO APURÍMAC, en el tramo del río que va del Puente Cúnyac (km. 435 del río, con Km cero en el nevado Mismi; Madrigal-Cay-
lloma- Arequipa), hasta alcanzar el km.540(altura del eje de los nevados Choq´esapra y Huarccaccata), sobre todo en el tramo súper traumático que va del km. 445 (Pongo del Apurímac), hasta el km. 530 (desembocadura del río Pampas en el Apurímac). El cañón del Colorado (Yanqui) es GEOLOGÍA; pero. . . el CAÑÓN DEL APURÍMAC(¡¡A M E R I C A N O !!), ES PROFUNDIDAD: ¡¡¡ 4,636 M. DE DESNIVEL !!!, con el nevado SACSARÁYOC (5,936 m.s.n.m.,) y el río Apurímac al pie, a 1,300 m.s.n.m.

José Antonio Torres Ocampo, Peru

Very highly inspired job indeed. As it has been sayd, "world's time-scale is one that we can not grasp" but fortunately we can admire. Thanks and God bless you all.

Miguel Angel Gonzalez Aguado, Spain

Maravilhosamente lindo!!! Muito grata por me proporcionar esta viajen fantástica!! Marcia

Marcia Jansen, Brazil

I have being in Grand Canyon last year I walk on the Skywalk at Hualapai Tribe, just amazing...

Edmar Facio, Brazil

Very impressive! Beautiful! Thanks a lot for taking your time in doing this beautiful job!

Maria A Fernandez, USA

Las vi el año 1966.
Es algo maravillosamente grandioso

Elena Lasarte, Spain

Parabens, a AirPanoru, vocês criaram um projeto fantástico,muitos como eu, está maravilhado com o espetáculo e fantástico cenário captado por vocês.

Parabens e muito obrigado

Sergio Alves da Silva Tuzzi, Brazil

Buendia amigos..!
Esta creación de la naturaleza es maravillosa, difundir la misma es compatible con las bondades de compartir el arte y la cultura.
Un fuerte abrazo desde Lima-PERÚ

Justo Alva Rojas, Peru

Estuve allí en Junio y me pareció una maravilla.
Si podeis, ir a verlo y quedaros una noche para ver la iluminación que tienen.

Conchita Prieto, Spain


wilfried notaerts, Belgium


Anton Schiavini, Switzerland

Estuve alli hace unos 8 años ,lo recorrimos en un pequeño elicoptero .
Meparecio impresionante lo mas magnifico que he visto

ascension Silveti Sorazu, Spain

Very Nice and Excellent Panorama Views! Congratulations !! :)


Es muy interesante conocer aunque solo sea virtualmente El Gran Canyon del Colorado

Angeles Sierra, Mexico

Tuve el privilegio de conocer ese hermoso lugar hace ya muchos años, en 1980.
El panorama verdaderamente es sensacional.
Las imágenes quedaron grabadas en mi mente por siempre. Una de las maravillas de la Naturaleza como nuestras Cataratas, Nuestro Ventisquero Perito Moreno, Nuestra Antártida, etc.
Otro Panorama similar pude observar en el Cañon de Chicamocha, en cercanáias de Bucaramanga en Colombia.


quiero ir para ya

huascar espinal, Dominican Republic

"i have been to the grand canyon and all i can say is that its the most beautiful place i have been in my travels which covers the Greek Isles as well as Europe and Turkey and more. all you can say when you first look down from the rim is "WOW""

Mayank Patel, India

my Family visited the Grand Canyon, and took the Helicopter tour along the part of canyon. It was very nice experiences. Your videos are fantastic. Thank you for this opportunity to see this country once more. Vlado

COMPEL Vladimír, Czech Republic

What splendid job!! Congratlations. And many thanks.

Luzstella Perottti, USA


farouk Al-Aref, Jordan

I enjoy all of your panoramics. Good work !!

carol couturier, USA

Piekne prawda pozdrawiam mama

Jerzy Wojnaqcki, Poland

Great video! very beautiful !

F Fan, USA

pour moi c'est un sit de proffessionnel qui ont mis tout leurs savoir et leurs competences je tiens chaudement a les feliciter et merci infiniment pour toute l'equipe merci encore


My dream only Nature everywhere nd i being a naturelover almost lost my self under nature s fascination.

khalid mahmud, Pakistan

Having actually lived at the sout rim I can say that you have truly captured the essence of the Grand Canyon. I felt overwhelmed every time I drove along the rim to go shopping and these photographs bring back those feelings.
Thank you very much.

Mike Jewitt, USA

this site is so great. I just put it on facebook for u to see . go to it and scrol down to the end and click on the place you want to look..Lea

Lea Wegleitner, Canada

Another great job of photography. Enjoyed the Skywalk. Been too the Canyon many times but never the west rim.The North and South rims are the popular tourist attractions. Well done!

Ed Nelson, USA

Hi thanks for your many Oriya high that we are more familiar with the power of God. J. motahhari NIA of Iran-Kashan

javad motahhari nia, Iran

The good Lord has created awe inspiring vistas among all of His miraculous works. You have provided the opportunity to be overwhelmed by the majesty and beauty of one of these creations. Bless you for your amazing work and thank you.

Yehudit Shahar, Israel

It is difficult to do justice to the Grand Canyon with photos, but yours really do. Beautiful.

david palmer, United Kingdom

Thanks a lot for the recognition of our efforts.

Varvara, AirPano

Awesome!! The Grand Canyon is pretty incredible and beautiful eye-candy. Thank-you for capturing its beauty for others to see - second best to visiting it in person.

Carol Frembling, USA

My wife and I visited the Grand Canyon, and took the Helicopter tour along the canyon. It was marvellous and to this day we still live in awe of the immensity of the area. Thank you for this opportunity to re-visit, from our front room.

James Douglas, United Kingdom

Carla Gurney - Mindy, these photos are azimang! I can't can't wait to see the rest! I have been checking your blog every day for weeks and I thought the anticipation would kill me but it was well worth the wait as the photos are just beautiful. Thank-you so much for working with us, you are such a talent. We have these lovely photos to remind us of our big day for the rest of our lives.yours sincerly Carla & Michael Gurney

Deepalaya Deepalayaa, Canada

Dear Carla and Michael, thank you for your interest in us. Please subscribe http://icute.app/maillist.php to get our e-mail notifications.

Varvara, AirPano

Superb panoramic photographs.....This is what the Web is all about! You're doing fantastic work for generations unable to travel to these beautiful places on our small,fragile world. Thanks to all of you!

Ken Maughan, United Kingdom

Abs amazing just visited in April 2012, but had not realized till such time i saw your amazing video what a natural marvel it is.
love you tons for sharing it.

Dr. Parul Bhatnagar, India


Vinod Hemd, India

Superlative. Exquisite

Ajay Tao, India

Amazing, unbelievable !!!! Great Effort.

shambhu C Ray, India

Wonderful. Hope you will do more.

Henry Earl, USA

Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes!

Sister Louise Daniel, USA

My breath is taken away by Mother earth each day.
Her treasure is this Earth that we explore each day. To enjoy for a life time each moment you see. Our earth takes our breath away and opens up our senses you see. So we can enjoy and live and love for eternity.

Thank you for such a great way to start the day. I look forward to all that you give.

Neeta Sawhney, USA

neeta sawhney, USA

I say THANK YOU for the greatwork you have done with these panorama flights over he most interesting sites in this our wonderful world. It is really incredible how this could be done, and YOU did it !! The music behind each presentation is also wonderful and gives the perfect background, the best possible complement to the images.

Lorenzo Elfers, Argentina

nadherna priroda, a velmi pekne zachytena :), dobra praca

Robert G., Slovakia

Just like being there.
Air Travel and you have not left home.
Great. Keep up the great work many thanks from Australia

Brian Farrar, Australia

pekne miesto, tam by som sa rada pozrela

Daniela S, Slovakia

Absolutely Beautiful, I'm retired so unable to visit these places, I will sit back and view all these one day at a time, am also forwarding to all my friends here and abroad, thanks thanks ever so much for people like me who cannot travel
Blessings of the Almighty be with you all for creating these Masterpieces

Colin Pinto, India

We are impressed by your comment, Colin. You are always welcome to our web-site!

Varvara, AirPano

The exquisite panorama of Great Canyon,magnificently showed. I had the thanks You opportunity of touring on our planet this miraculous place. I greet warmly and I wish more far successes :) Dana

Danuta Domanska, Poland

Many thanks for the greetings and wishes. All the best to you!

Varvara, AirPano

Is very interested for geological and geomorphological study.
Congratulations for great photography and panorama.


i have been to the grand canyon and all i can say is that its the most beautiful place i have been in my travels which covers the Greek Isles as well as Europe and Turkey and more. all you can say when you first look down from the rim is "WOW"

polly holland, USA

I have been there, it is the most romantic place in the world, if you walk around there ... not fly

Mike Rana, India

Excelentes imagenes felicidades

Elviro Medina Artraga, Mexico

Wow it is a great great Photographs

Ravi Misal, India

I hope we preserve the canyon from the oil and gas drillers who have plans for some leases in close proximity. All the smog would ruin the site.

Arnold Frogel, USA

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Grigoriy Kulik, USA

Fantastic It is amazing and I'll be visiting soon I hope


be galo gražu norėčiau ten nukeliauti...

laima grybaitė, Lithuania

it's amazing , i've been there last year, your great photographs
are the best panorama i've ever seen



Roberto Moreira, Brazil


Rosa Alicia Macías Ramirez, Mexico

Wow has become a worn-out word, but it applies here, again. I wonder whether the panoramic technology is compatible with an i-Max theater (HUGE) where a collection of selections of your work could be displayed? They deserve the best possible means of exhibition.

Meryl Wieder, USA

We are grateful for all these kind words you wrote for us. Many thanks!

Varvara, AirPano

Great photographs, but it would have been nice for those of us who have been there and trailed down to the river to have located the top of the trail down to indian gardens etc.
Keep the good work up, I am a keen follower.

roy Romsey, United Kingdom