AirPano introduces 3 free applications for iPad that are now available in Apple Store. The apps offer virtual tours to most beautiful places of Kamchatka: "Bears 360º", "Volcano 360º", and "Geysers 360º". Each virtual tour features spherical panoramas, 360º videos, set of photographs, and a brief story about our photo expedition. The Internet connection is required only for initial download, after which an app will work in an off-line mode.
You can find the apps in App Store for iPad. Enter "Airpano" in the search field, and then click "Search". All three apps will be displayed on your iPad screen.
AirPano team would like to express its gratitude to the Russian Geographical Society for financial support of the apps development. We want to thank the administration of The Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve and its Director Mr Tikhon I. Shpilenok personally for organizing of our photo expedition. They arranged perfect conditions for our photo sessions and took great care of our team. AirPano is also grateful to Mr. Vladimir V. Rusanov, the director of the "Kamchatka Exhibition and Investment Center" for the support in AirPano apps development.
Application «Volcano 360º»
Application «Bears 360º»
Application «Geyser 360º»
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